

Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 2, 2005
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Okay. So on Friday night I went flying with a friend. I've known him for many years and he has been up with me several times. He told me that his brother was going to come with, he asked if it was alright if his brother brought a friend. He had never met his brothers friend.

All I can say is I didn't really expect it. This guy gets out of the car and I'm sorry but I was a bit shocked. I couldn't even look at him as I was pretty sure I'd start laughing. Then I realized I had to walk this guy through the FBO (real business oriented) out to the plane. I made it real quick. He never really said a word the entire time which was just a bit creepy.

Notice his green mohawk and side burns. Also his pony tail. He had about 1,000 piercings... Take a look at his belt (They were not live. I made sure of that)

Wow.. It was interesting to say the least
Yeah that guy in the blue sweatshirt looks dangerous! Don't mess with him, man! ;)
jangell said:
Okay. So on Friday night I went flying with a friend. I've known him for many years and he has been up with me several times. He told me that his brother was going to come with, he asked if it was alright if his brother brought a friend. He had never met his brothers friend.

All I can say is I didn't really expect it. This guy gets out of the car and I'm sorry but I was a bit shocked. I couldn't even look at him as I was pretty sure I'd start laughing. Then I realized I had to walk this guy through the FBO (real business oriented) out to the plane. I made it real quick. He never really said a word the entire time which was just a bit creepy.

Notice his green mohawk and side burns. Also his pony tail. He had about 1,000 piercings... Take a look at his belt (They were not live. I made sure of that)

Wow.. It was interesting to say the least

Wow. Funny thing about people like that: They always complain that people stare at them. Of course they do, and that's why they dress that way. The claim of self expression is bull.

But - most importantly....did he have a good time?
NickDBrennan said:
Wow. Funny thing about people like that: They always complain that people stare at them. Of course they do, and that's why they dress that way. The claim of self expression is bull.
Exactly. We went to AppleBees in Apple Valley. You had people saying stuff. He was annoyed that they were. But what does he expect?
NickDBrennan said:
But - most importantly....did he have a good time?
Seemed to.
I always get reminded to be a little more open minded when we make our trips from red-neck west texas cowboy-country... to Austin. What a city! Viva la difference!
Let'sgoflying! said:
I always get reminded to be a little more open minded when we make our trips from red-neck west texas cowboy-country... to Austin. What a city! Viva la difference!
Is Austin really a part of Texas anymore? For years I thought it was a part of CA that got misplaced. Heh, I've met folks from Austin who were more out there than some life long residents of SoCal.
Let'sgoflying! said:
I always get reminded to be a little more open minded when we make our trips from red-neck west texas cowboy-country... to Austin. What a city! Viva la difference!

Which street is it in Austin, Sixth street or something which is like walking onto Hollywood Blvd. I was somewhat amazed, I mean this was in Tejas!!

Even in New Mexico. This one was at the X-Prize cup in Las Cruces. He got a lot of weird looks.
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jangell said:
Wow.. It was interesting to say the least

What's the problem? He looks fairly tame. ;) Well, at least in comparison to the batch from the Rocky Horror Picture Show trips during college. They were creepier than all get out but they were the nicest weirdo's you could ever meet. Once I got over the initial shock and was still not mugged, I realized no one was going to mess with the batch we were with that night. That was one steep cultural learning curve that gave a whole new meaning to being open minded about appearances.

I think people like that would make excellent GA airport guards nowadays. Imagine the reporters sneaking around at 1am trying to pull a fast one about GA security or some idiot trying to steal a plane for a joy ride..then having that guy come up behind them out of the dark with a baseball bat and a chain demanding to know what they're doing there on his turf. I mean, fair's fair. If they want to mess with GA, we should be allowed to scare them completely to death for doing so.