World Championships Fundraising


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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Some of you may not know, but I recently was selected to represent the United States next summer, in the 13.5 Meter Class World Gliding Championships. I'm fundraising to help me attend the contest, held in Lithuania the first two weeks of August, 2015. I hope that some of you will consider donating. If interested in some more information, please see the attached letter and if you have more questions, feel free to reply here, email, or call me. I hope to be able to have the Pilots of America logo on the side of my glider next summer with many of you on my team!


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The chocolate chip cookies are tempting, but require more than I would want to donate.
Jim any donations are appreciated and accepted. The cookies are pretty good though, ask Jesse!
Congrats, that is awesome. What are you flying? Shipping stuff over or borrowing?
Hoping to fly Silent Electros. Planning to borrow. Shipping has more logistical challenges(like finding gliders here to ship) and much higher cost.
Congratulations! I sent you a little, hope you do very well!
What activities make up the different events? And how do you score points?

Each day a task is called, based on the weather, along a course and returning to the departure airport. About half the tasks are "racing tasks" where the turnpoints are 1km radius circles and therefore it is a real point to point race. The "area" tasks have much larger circles and each pilot has the flexibility to fly as far into each circle as they like. Area tasks are scored against a declared minimum time but allow more flexibility in route selection the case of thunderstorms or other odd weather.

Points are primarily awarded for speed. Slower pilots get a proportion of the winners score based on their proportional speed. If you land out or have to start your motor then you get a smaller proportion of points depending on the distance you made on task. Most days are worth 1000 points, unless the task is pretty short or no one makes it very far.

Any plans to create an online solution to follow your activities, progress, photos, blog, etc?
Yea the team will have a blog, contest results will be online. They usually have some real time tracking going on too. I expect I'll be flying with my SPOT tracker. I'll be sure everyone here and especially those who donate are kept up to date.
Very close to having a glider confirmed for the contest. Fundraising is kicking into the next higher gear today, so I felt obligated to bump :) Thanks everyone!
What kind of competition is it that your only gliding for 13.5 meters. Seems like a long trip to make just to glide a bit over 44 feet. Sheesh:wink2:
very funny Zucker! 13.5 meter of course if the wingspan limit in this class of glider. The only other limit is that wing loading cannot exceed 35 kg/square meter.
Ask and you shall receive!


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What kind of competition is it that your only gliding for 13.5 meters. Seems like a long trip to make just to glide a bit over 44 feet. Sheesh:wink2:

Have you ever had a paper glider go 44 feet? It's harder than it sounds...
Hey guys, this is REALLY COOL STUFF! If we can get $1000 total in POA donations (and what a great cause, for a great POA member!), we can get a Pilots of America decal on the side of his glider--what a show of support that would be!

Hey guys, this is REALLY COOL STUFF! If we can get $1000 total in POA donations (and what a great cause, for a great POA member!), we can get a Pilots of America decal on the side of his glider--what a show of support that would be!


I like Troy. And his wife. And have had dinner with them during my long IR X-C. And they were nice enough to wait at the airport until really late before eating dinner.

Flying to Wichita at night, between layers part of the way (Jesse let me peek because the moon was in between and it looked so cool. Then back under the hood for me... Heh.) and being introduced to two very nice people and 1K1, which is a cool little place, is one of those aviation. memories I will cherish my whole life.

Let's help Tony with his memories.

Following Tony's wooden glider rebuild photos on FB is a bonus. It's nice to know someone out there is doing something fun in their garage. Hahaha.

I'll match the first $500 in confirmed donations from PoA.

Step up PoA! Y'all pay for the little sticker, I'll make it a big sticker. Heh.

(I mentioned I was thinking about doing this to Jesse and asked if he thought the PoA MC would approve the use of the logo when I was in LNK. He didn't think there's be any issues but I leave that up to the HMFWIC folks. Either way... Pony up and say you did and I'll match it.)
P.S. I'm sure if you wish your donation to remain anonymous, Tony can just confirm to me privately that someone did, and said they wanted it to count for PoA.

And if you want your donation to be separate from PoA and get your swag from Tony, that's okay too. I'm easy.

That just means someone else will have to play or no big PoA sticker! That part is ALL up to Tony.

(Hint: Tony can lie and still get $500 out of me. Hahaha. Basically the money is headed his way one way or the other. Shhhh. But a group PoA big sticker would be neat. You, the reader, get to decide.)
I like Troy. And his wife.

I'll match the first $500 in confirmed donations from PoA.

I like you too Nate. ;-)

Tony, my donation already sent before Nate's challenge doesn't count! We want to "level up"! So let's make it be POA donations sent since his challenge, and...

I'll match the second $500 in confirmed donations from POA members!
Sounds good to me guys! I'll keep track of all PoA donations received after today and keep you informed.

Some of you may not know, but I recently was selected to represent the United States next summer, in the 13.5 Meter Class World Gliding Championships. I'm fundraising to help me attend the contest, held in Lithuania the first two weeks of August, 2015. I hope that some of you will consider donating. If interested in some more information, please see the attached letter and if you have more questions, feel free to reply here, email, or call me. I hope to be able to have the Pilots of America logo on the side of my glider next summer with many of you on my team!
Do you have an estimate of what your total costs will be? Or a fund-raising target?
I'm expecting $10-$15,000 in expenses. Shipping a glider over and back or renting one, a couple airline tickets, living expenses for a month, contest entry, tows, etc.

I don't have a specific fundraising target. So far I've received an incredible $5500 in donations. I'm very thankful for that and for any more that come in.
Thank you PoA! Glider ships for Europe tomorrow!


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Looking forward to good reports! And have a blast!


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How in the hell did I completely miss this? Must have been one of the periods when I was taking a PoA break.

Good luck Tony! Sounds like a great time.
Thanks Tim, It will definitely be a good time.

For those of you who have donated enough...shirts will be in the mail monday and tuesday. So keep an eye out for them!
Have a great time Tony! Jesse (my flying buddy, not the POA Jesse) was asking about you the other day.