WingX useful nuggets I like


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Over the weekend, I had a few small XC flights and for the first time, made use of WingX during those flights.

Some items that WingX did that I liked and want to share:

1) the 5, 10, 15 minute extended course line.
2) the ease of swapping screen 1 and 2 while in single screen mode
3) track up
4) one touch airspace information (for example, overflying KTKI, I wanted to know what the top of their Class D cylinder was. One tap, and I was reminded it was SFC to 2900'.) I also like how it handles airspace layers.
5) (this I kinda liked the most) As I got closer to my designation, the small box at the top of the screen that appeared and provided a suggested descent per minute gradient. I like that I now have something that helps me see where a 400 or 500 fpm should start so I can have a nice easy descent rate.

Now that I understand WingX more, I can see why other fans of the program like it.

For other WingX users, what are some of your favorites (and how do you use them)?