Why so cheap?

Gotta be something....it is awfully low, ain't it?
Cost of care and feeding?
Very, very expensive airplane to fly and maintain...very persnickity when it comes to Mx. Figure at least $50K for an engine.

The TIGO-541 E1As were TBO'd at 800 hours; it's now up to 1200 hrs. They commonly fail at EXACTLY 800 hours. Counterweight pins shear, Rod bolts stretch....Engine reserves are $80/hr.

Schafer Aircraft Mods (Waco, TX) holds the STC for P&W PT6s at 620 shp each. That's the ONLY way I would consider such an a/c. Total cost: ~$650K.

No frikkin way. $187K is too much for this bird.
Cheap?!? $187,000.00???

I'm in the wrong line of work, obviously ... :(

It's not that I think 187k is pocket change, it's just that someday I want an airplane that I can haul my wife, five kids, and two dogs. I can't stand the airlines and my goal is to have a bird that will allow me to travel comfortably without having to buy first class tickets. A FIKI pressurized bird is about the only way that will happen. Navajo, 421, Conquest, Cheyenne, Mustang, TBM, D-jet, Caravan, Citation, PC-12, Commander, MU-2.

It's only money. ;)

James Dean
The TIGO-541 E1As were TBO'd at 800 hours; it's now up to 1200 hrs. They commonly fail at EXACTLY 800 hours. Counterweight pins shear, Rod bolts stretch....Engine reserves are $80/hr.

Schafer Aircraft Mods (Waco, TX) holds the STC for P&W PT6s at 620 shp each. That's the ONLY way I would consider such an a/c. Total cost: ~$650K.

No frikkin way. $187K is too much for this bird.


Yeah, I figured is was something like that. Is that the engine that has the integral turbo in the case?

You got your next step figured out yet, or is the Seneca a permanent fixture?

James Dean