Why an inclinometer on instrument panel?


Line Up and Wait
Oct 15, 2015
Walla Walla. WA
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The 182A I'm buying on Tuesday has a large (approx. 4" wide) inclinometer mounted just below the control yoke on the co-pilot's side. Any ideas why? I asked the seller why it was there & he just shrugged his shoulders & said it was there when he bought the plane.

The plane has an IFR panel including a turn coordinator.

Just curious.
Serves the same role as the ball in your turn coordinator. I suspect he decided it looks cool.
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I had one for a couple months to verify the ball on the EFIS before I worked on my rudder trim tab. Got it from someone who bought a two pack from an RV supply store (the four wheel kind). They were using one front and center to emphasize coordination for a student having issues with the small display of the turn coordinator. Perhaps it was one of those or similar situation in your plane, and it just became installed equipment, no 337 on file.
Maybe he bought it from somebody who didn't want to be seen in cheaters. ;)
I had one for a couple months to verify the ball on the EFIS before I worked on my rudder trim tab. Got it from someone who bought a two pack from an RV supply store (the four wheel kind). They were using one front and center to emphasize coordination for a student having issues with the small display of the turn coordinator. Perhaps it was one of those or similar situation in your plane, and it just became installed equipment, no 337 on file.

I rented a plane once that had a small one right on the atitude indicator. I liked it. I'm surprised there aren't more like that
Flew a 172 that had one on the bottom of the AI. Its nice to have if flying IFR. I liked it as well!
How can an RV or off road vehicle style inclinometer work in an airplane? Don't they work by gravity?