Who wants a lift?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Since part of the true OSH experience is flying in, and since many folks are either airlining or driving to the area or are not comfortable flying themselves in, let's complete the journey the fun way!

I've made offers to a few people to fly them from some outlying airport into Airventure. What I'd like to do in this thread is to coordinate rides and see if there are other pilots willing to fly people in as well.

Please add yourself to the "schedule":

[row][cell]Name[/cell][cell]In/Out of OSH[/cell][cell]Airport[/cell][cell]when[/cell][cell]with[/cell][/row]
[row][cell]Troy Whistman[/cell][cell]In[/cell][cell]KMWC[/cell][cell]Friday morning[/cell][cell]Kent[/cell][/row]

And, any other people who would like to give some rides, pipe up! I'm hoping to optimize things.
OK, help me out here.

You and Troy.

You bringing fuel, too? :D
OK, help me out here.

You and Troy.

You bringing fuel, too? :D

Oh sheesh. :rofl: I'm in the 182. I could throw your Bo in the back with full fuel. :D

Seriously though - The plane is 1733 pounds, full fuel is 474 pounds (=2207) and MGW is 2950, so I can haul 743 pounds of meat and bags with full fuel (6 hours), or 905 pounds with four hours of fuel.

It ain't the best at anything, but it's pretty damn good at everything. :yes:
Spike you used to be my friend. :rofl:

Kent, looks like I won't make it to OSH after all, unless a miracle occurs, so now you can take fuel too.
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No insults, Troy- you are a robust fellow.
Kent, looks like I won't make it to OSH after all, unless a miracle occurs, so now you can take fuel too.

Aw boo. :(

What am I, chopped liver? :rofl: :goofy:

:D ;)

So, does anyone want a ride into OSH??? (I need to put about 7 hours on the airplane anyway...)
No insults, Troy- you are a robust fellow.

:rofl: No worries, Spike. Reminds me of when I went back to Washington to see family after being in Texas for some time. Saw an aunt I'd not seen in a while, and she said "My, aren't you looking prosperous!!". :rolleyes:
My daughter and I need to get to Osh from California. Anyone want to take us? I need a lift to the Pod-a-Palooza. I can help fly, and the daughter is very cool and loves to fly too.


Will, my plane is mostly full at this point. There might be a few other Bonanza's coming out from the bay area that have space still. You'd have to leave on either the 23rd or 24th if it is our group though.

PM me if that works.
Hey, Kent,

Turns out I'm going to be in Madison from July 15th -> July 29th, on business unrelated to Oshkosh. My husband will probably join me for most or part of that time as well. Any chance we could catch a ride with you some part of the weekend of the 26th/27th?

Even if not, we should get together anyway. I'll PM you with my cell number...

My daughter and I need to get to Osh from California. Anyone want to take us? I need a lift to the Pod-a-Palooza. I can help fly, and the daughter is very cool and loves to fly too.



What...I thought you were swinging down to Phoenix in your Arrow to pick me up on your way...now what am I going to do? :D
What...I thought you were swinging down to Phoenix in your Arrow to pick me up on your way...now what am I going to do? :D

Sadly this "starting your own film production company" thing has really sucked the money out of my bank account. I am making some pretty films however. I managed to scrap up $60 to go fly for a bit last night but it is not looking good for Osh for me this year.

Kent, I might try to make it after all... I mean, the airplane ticket is purchased already, so why not, right? I get into MKE on Thursday 7/31 6:35pm, so I think that is too late to try to get up to OSH via GA that night, no? I have a rental car *reserved*, but am undecided as to how I should proceed. I can:

1) Rent the car and drive up to OSH that night, stay on-site in my own tent under your other wing (still available??)... that also gives me easy wheels to get back to MKE on Sunday on my own schedule.

2) Not rent a car, take a cab to a hotel near KMWC, fly in with you Friday AM, then take the charter bus back to Milwaukee Sunday morning.

If I do option #1, perhaps we can still get a flight in?? Which of the above do you think makes more sense for a first-timer to OSH?

EDIT: I'm leaning towards #2 now that I review the rental car cost.
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2) Not rent a car, take a cab to a hotel near KMWC, fly in with you Friday AM, then take the charter bus back to Milwaukee Sunday morning.

If I do option #1, perhaps we can still get a flight in?? Which of the above do you think makes more sense for a first-timer to OSH?

EDIT: I'm leaning towards #2 now that I review the rental car cost.

#2 works... Trying to get your stuff, get to the FBO, hop in the plane, fly the arrival and be down and stopped by 8 PM probably wouldn't work.
Cool, Kent! Well, let's do plan 2 then... I'll have a tent large enough for two or three folks if anybody else is inbound, just FYI.
Looks like I'm in! I talked to Kent tonight...and right now it looks like I'll be flying in to MKE on Tuesday night, and Kent will pick me up at MWC on Wednesday morning...and Kent convinced me that camping is the way to go...so I'm going for it. This is my first OSH trip, and I'm excited. Troy...I sent you a PM.
Inside joke, perhaps? I'm new to the family, guys...please explain...I want to laugh, too. :)
Let's just say that someone on the board was truckin' :blueplane:along at OSH last year and performed the above-mentioned act!:rofl: And Kate won't let him forget it.:blowingkisses:
Now that is funny. Kate, I wouldn't let him, er...uh, that person forget it either. Good stuff. :rofl:
Aw boo. :(

:D ;)

So, does anyone want a ride into OSH??? (I need to put about 7 hours on the airplane anyway...)

I will be flying into Fond Du Lac, not sure which date yet, depends on the wx. I would like a ride into OSH. Let me know if you can make it.
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