Where's the barfy icon?

I'm not even going there ... not gonna click that link ...
yeah, dunno ... woke up with a queasy stomach this morning for some reason ... not gonna even tempt it ... well, maybe after lunch :)

I couldn't help it - just like those horror movies where the characters know they shouldn't look behind the door, but do anyway.
Normally I just don't look and keep driving when I pass some horrible wreck, but I just made the mistake of rubbernecking. :vomit::vomit:
"Not searching for this" ... uh huh.

C'mon, Ed, be a man and admit it. Admitting your problem is the first step towards recovery!!

I'm crazy, not stupid. If it has a warning label attached to it, I just move on.:p
I have trouble with the line:
All authentic and most of it screen used/worn.

It's a one piece no??
What part of it was NOT used/worn on screen??

Didn't see the movie {thankfully} and still retain my dinner...:rolleyes:
Never did like loud, crass, women anyway.
Picturing that piece and Rosie O'Donnell is what makes rednecks look civilized!