When to switch?

Please don't let them continue to do this to you.. There is a chance that it could lead to you giving up your goal/dream of getting your pilots license. How many stories have we read of students going from one cfi or school to another over and over repeating the same lessons over and over, waisting their money until they finally give up. Don't let this happen to you!

I did my PPL at AoA at FRG, and was satisfied there. Very few, if any, cancellation issues. Good aircraft.

Another one to consider is Long Island Aviators. Much smaller shop, but it's where I rent from now.
If you want to stay at Farmingdale..


Even though I don't have direct knowledge of how good their flight training operation is I think you should talk to them.. I can say that they are a family run fbo /training facility that has been at Farmingdale for a long time and they are very nice people. Everything that I have seen makes me think that they are a very good outfit.

I would call Nick T. CEO directly, very nice guy.
and explain exactly what is going on with your current situation and explain what you need from them to make this work better.

If you are thinking of checking out Islip let me know and I will get you some names.

Good luck and let us know what you find out..
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Just wondered if you had a chance to look into Ventura at FRG ?