Wheeling, WV?


Mar 28, 2006
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Anyone in the area? I will be there this week and would love to meet up for dinner or some drinks with some board members.
Anyone in the area? I will be there this week and would love to meet up for dinner or some drinks with some board members.

They're all probably still burning their couches right now. :rofl:
Anytime Wheeling is referenced my first thought takes me back to the back-home winters during the 50s and 60s. On a clear and cold Saturday night would come blaring into the Northeast, "This Jamboree has come to y'all from Doubleya-Doubleya-Vee-Ayy, Wheelin', West Virginya. This is Lee Moore, speakin'." A great voice; I wonder if he's still alive. A familiar pitch:
"Remember, folks; this offer positively ends at midnight, Saturday."
(Of course, WHICH Saturday was never mentioned in the hype. Hence, the "special" deal ran ad infinitum.)

Make sure you take the time to check out the Christmas lights at Olgleby (sp). You should go as early as you can because the line gets to be miles long.
I guess this will answer my question: Source is Google.

""Date News Posted: August 31, 1997

So few of the well known radio stations still play the great classics anymore and so few of those great all night D.J's are left that the truckers have known so well over the years that when we lose one it is a void that will never be filled.

So be the case Sunday August the 17th 1997 when the "Coffee Drinking Night Hawk" Lee Moore passed away from WWVA, Wheeling , W.V. Lee was an all night D.J on that station for 25 years. Lee died from cancer at the age of 82. You gave them night haulin' truck drivers some great music Lee and you will be missed.""
