what is the time frame for chart updates showing major changes?

Brad W

Pattern Altitude
Nov 19, 2019
NE Florida
Display Name

Display name:
What is the lag time before they update charts?

I live adjacent to an old WW2 Navy OLF
Here it is shown as a closed airfield in this screen capture from skyvector.com
Runways are long gone since well before I moved here about 13 years ago, and for most if that time it has been a thick stand of young pines. You could sort of see where the runways one were from the air and on google maps, with the pines where the runways were younger than the surrounding woods, so useful landmark maybe.

this screen capture from google maps if I had to guess was an image from at least six or seven years ago, maybe a bit more.

It has been a neighborhood, and for about the last 2 years or so it's been gone. At least half or more of it is developed houses, and the other areas are just clear cut and bulldozed dirt pits slowly transforming into neighborhood streets and lots.

I walked back in there to the runway intersection just before they clear cut it a couple years ago, and the pines were large, basically not even close to resembling an airfield....

I was out walking the dog there this morning pondering why it's still on the sectional.

Has it always taken this long to update features such as this?
Even if you tell them, it can take two charting cycles to get things done.
Be that guy!
ha ha....yeah...I don't know if I want to be T H A T guy.... ;)
besides, I wouldn't know who to tell!
and double besides, I kind of like the reference to the WW2 history, I often wonder if the first Blue Angle team ever practiced at this NOLF, and I think about all the aviators that trained here, wondering if any practice bombs missed the target and landed in my yard
and also like knowing right where my house is when I look at the sectional... "just outside that circle with an X"

although...now you've got me thinking....maybe as a point of reference for my fellow aviators so some unfamiliar pilot doesn't get distracted looking for something that aint there, maybe I'll look into that!
so part of me didn't want to do it, but Domenick got my curiosity up so I figured I'd look into it to see how this system worked, and maybe learn a little somethin'....

on Monday I googled and found a FAA site. Had to register as a user and there was a form to fill out for changes. Pull down list listed airports, and a few other categories but not sectionals/charts....so I picked the closest airport since this charted closed airfield wasn't referenced by a name.

Tuesday I got a reply with a link to a similar but different form to fill out, and they closed my initial report.... done in the wrong place. This new link was for charting. I filled it out with description similar to what I posted for this thread, but more abbreviated, added a couple screenshots for reference, along with both lat/long and distance/direction to a nearby airport fix

This morning Thursday I received this response by email
FAA Response:
After further review, we will delete the abandon airport symbol on Jacksonville Sectional chart effective next edition (November 30 2023).
Thank you,

Gotta say I'm a little shocked that a govt agency responded so fast!
Good job.

I'm a bit shocked too. Now, let's see how long it takes to actually be accomplished.
Next Edition is scheduled to 30 November 2023.