What is "Defense Area?"

Nick the only ref to this I can find are in pt 99:
which describes the D.A. as an area in which control of a/c is desired for national security reasons but which is not part of the ADIZ. It is pretty loosely described and delimited on charts.
From a practical standpoint, I can tell you there are many, many pilots who fly in the Defense Area oblivious to it, and without apparent harm. We go through it on any flight to the south through northwest. There are no lines to show when you enter or leave. Basically all you can do is listen up on 121.5 and prepare to be intercepted. The chances of that happening appear to be as close to nil as possible.......unless you happen to be traveling north out of Mexico in a high speed a/c, and on the deck! Occasionally we will be queried by radio, or met on the ramp by Customs folks in their Citation; but I am not sure that has anything to do with this 'defense area'.
I'm pretty sure it's the area where they are installing de fence. :rofl:
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Technically, all US airspace is a Defense Area except any already designated as an ADIZ