What are they doing at KPTW?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
What are they doing at PTW? I just got an email from my CFII that said KPTW was charging a $45.00 landing fee:mad3:

So I called them up and they confirmed but said single engine pistons were no charge but larger planes and twins were $45.00 unless you purchased $40.00 in fuel. I asked if this included light twins including say a Seneca and they said it did. Unburevable!:frown2:
Did you hear something?

Oh. I think it was a rich pilot complaining about something costing money. :p
Adam. Where you at the PTW fly-in, it may have been their pancake breakfast when Len Lanetti was still active here. Ron Levy got nailed for a large fee because he came in his twin Grumman Cougar. The singles didn't pay it.
I landed my little Piper Warrior at Santa Monica about a year ago, had lunch and left. About a week later, I received a bill from them for $4.32 (I'm not positive of the change, but something like that.) I thought it was kinda funny, I sent them a check.

Philly International is not even that high! I paid $30.00 once and $35.00 another time when I flew in PHL in The Viking Witch (N8388W, PA28/180).

Some peoples kids!

PTW hasn't ever charged me though - to back up the no cost for SELs.
Well apparently if Ron got hit with that fee in the Cougar then its nothing new as he has not had the cougar for years.
Did you hear something?

Oh. I think it was a rich pilot complaining about something costing money. :p

By most peoples standards, around the world, we who putter around the skies in our various contraptions, are all "rich pilots", even if we do not own our own flying machine. If we can afford to go up, we are rich. If we happen to die in one of those airplanes, we have just died a rich mans death.
