Weight and Balance Design Question

In fact it occurs to me that the up gross stc is in line with the topic of this thread. Cessna achieved the higher take off weight of the R and up model 182s by narrowing the CG range from the prev Q model. The STC applies the narrower CG range to the aircraft when operating at weights above 2950lbs. A P or Q with the STC actually has a larger legal operating envelope than my R does.

That's interesting. Does the STC come with a new set of limitations for W&B envelope?

The Robertson STOL STC changes a number of things in the Checklists section of the POH as well as TO/Landing performance numbers but no fewer changes to other published numbers (airspeeds specifically) in the original POH.

It's interesting mixing STCs. But luckily there don't appear to be any changes to the POH that overlap. That'd be a head-scratcher.
You would only have the narrow envelope when operating above 2950, there are no changes below that. Basically you take the top of my envelope and glue it onto yours.

Considering that our two airplanes are so close to identical it makes sence that such a thing would be possible.