WANTED: King Schools IFR Knowledge Test DVDs


Filing Flight Plan
Sep 24, 2007
Central Virginia
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I'm looking for the King School IFR Knowledge Test program. Specifically a more recent version on either DVD or CD-ROM.

If you have a set that you no longer need, please PM me with a price.

Thanks very much!
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I think that the licensing terms of the King course specifically prohibit license transfers, and I seem to recall that they have some sort of a registration program that must be run somewhere along the process that could allow them to enforce that practically as well as legally.

That's not to say you couldn't find a way around that, but this would be exhibiting anti-authoritarian behavior. :D

keymanewb on this board works for King Schools and could probably get you set up with it. You can try emailing him, because he hasn't logged on since mid July.
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The King Schools test prep software has no registration process (at least it didn't a couple years ago). The Cessna "cleared for..." programs (produced by the Kings) do have such a process, and it's a pain in the butt.
I have the latest King Schools IR DVD. It does now have a registration process and will only allow it to be run on one computer. It was a real pain for me since I sometimes study at work :Das well as home.
Thanks for the replys and heads up.

Regardless of any "agreement" that a publisher may put on their DVDs to help deter people from reselling to others (and thus increase their own business [and hey, good for them]), there are no legal issues from purchasing a licensed piece of software or DVD, so long as it is the original and not a copy.

In fact, if the original copy is sold and the original user uses a copy they made after that, they would be the one breaking the law, the purchaser having the legal copy. Just as books and other information sources can be resold as originals, but not copied.

As far as the registration process, I have written King Schools to ask the question, from the standpoint of if the software were needed to be used on a different PC. I'll post the answer although I do not want to get too off topic on this classified forum.

Again, if anyone has a program that they are done with, I would love to purchase it.

BTW, Grant- Anti-Authoritarian behavior is what drove me to get my PP SEL license in the first place...18 at the time, my parents told me not to "under any circumstances"...it's what got me into this whole wonderful mess. :) 10 years later, I wanna fly in the clouds....

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Thanks for the replys and heads up.

Regardless of any "agreement" that a publisher may put on their DVDs to help deter people from reselling to others (and thus increase their own business [and hey, good for them]), there are no legal issues from purchasing a licensed piece of software or DVD, so long as it is the original and not a copy.

In fact, if the original copy is sold and the original user uses a copy they made after that, they would be the one breaking the law, the purchaser having the legal copy. Just as books and other information sources can be resold as originals, but not copied.

As far as the registration process, I have written King Schools to ask the question, from the standpoint of if the software were needed to be used on a different PC. I'll post the answer although I do not want to get too off topic on this classified forum.

Again, if anyone has a program that they are done with, I would love to purchase it.

BTW, Grant- Anti-Authoritarian behavior is what drove me to get my PP SEL license in the first place...18 at the time, my parents told me not to "under any circumstances"...it's what got me into this whole wonderful mess. :) 10 years later, I wanna fly in the clouds....

Hey, go for it! I always want more cloud-busters out there!

I admit that I don't know the current enforceability status of shrink-wrap or click-wrap license agreements. Perhaps one of the attorneys on the board could fill us in.

And let us know what King says! (Though I suspect that they'll say what gets them the most money, since they're a business. Can't fault them for that!)
You may find that it is simpler to use the AmericanFlyer online course. $50 for the whole thing, including the endorsement to take the FAA written. That would be an issue to resolve if you bought the the King course used from someone. At the end, if you bought it from King, they will give you the endorsement to take the test. If not, you would likely need to go over what you learned with a local CFI so they could sign the endorsement. Perhaps more cost than the $50 for the AmericanFlyer course that includes the endorsement. You may find one that will sign the endorsement if you show them some practice tests with good scores, but then again maybe not.
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