Videos from the cockpit


Taxi to Parking
Feb 23, 2005
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I am planing to do some videos from the cockpit while flying the F-24, my question is has any one placed a mike in the Pax headset, and recorded the sound track?

If So, how did it work.?
Did you get much engine noise?
Did it pick up the ATC chatter?
Tom, I have a Canon ZR930, run an attenuating cable (Radio Shack) between a headset connector and the camera, it works flawlessly. All intercom communications and radio chatter, no noise.

You'll discover that there are relatively few cameras these days which actually have external mic inputs.
Tom, if your camera has a mic-in jack, there's a really simple solution that works wonders--Kent Shook taught it to me, and I tried it and it WORKS!!

Get a good pair of earbuds (iPod) headphones. Plug the jack into the mic in. Drop one earbud in each earcup of your airplane headphones. The diaghram on the earbuds that normally acts as a speaker acts instead as a microphone diaghram... works PERFECT. And CHEAP!
Tom, I have a Canon ZR930, run an attenuating cable (Radio Shack) between a headset connector and the camera, it works flawlessly. All intercom communications and radio chatter, no noise.

You'll discover that there are relatively few cameras these days which actually have external mic inputs.
Never accuse me of having the latest stuff, my camera does. :)
Tom, if your camera has a mic-in jack, there's a really simple solution that works wonders--Kent Shook taught it to me, and I tried it and it WORKS!!

Get a good pair of earbuds (iPod) headphones. Plug the jack into the mic in. Drop one earbud in each earcup of your airplane headphones. The diaghram on the earbuds that normally acts as a speaker acts instead as a microphone diaghram... works PERFECT. And CHEAP!

I tried the set up I have, it works in the hangar.

I have a Radio Shack external mike, that plugs into the camera, I placed it under the ear seal of the Bose, in the right side head set, and set the Bose over the right seat back, it captures the sound from my radio OK, I was hoping some one had flown a similar rig and had good luck.
Yup, that'll work! Just make sure the audio panel is set to put the audio you want into the headset you're using, and you're good to go! Can't wait to see your video--I presume this will be for the Fairchild?!
Tom, if your camera has a mic-in jack, there's a really simple solution that works wonders--Kent Shook taught it to me, and I tried it and it WORKS!!

Get a good pair of earbuds (iPod) headphones. Plug the jack into the mic in. Drop one earbud in each earcup of your airplane headphones. The diaghram on the earbuds that normally acts as a speaker acts instead as a microphone diaghram... works PERFECT. And CHEAP!

The best part - You do get a little bit of engine noise. That's a GOOD thing - I find that the videos (and audio, for that matter) that are strictly audio-panel feed are kind of boring - All you hear is the people. Having that little bit of engine noise in the background gives the audio some flavor, and makes it feel a bit more real. :yes: