Tron Legacy - HD Trailer

Way cool...I am definitely looking forward to that one!
I love what I've seen. I'm looking forward to the release.

And no, they still haven't asked me to do anything at all for it.
Flame suit on. The original Tron pushed the boundaries of what was possible in Cinema, while being a fun entertaining movie. It produced more computer animated footage than any movie up to that date in a fresh, original format. 27 years later we've had entire movies filmed inside a computer save the performances of the actors, and a couple where the performances were generated in silico. Hence it is not likely to break new ground. Why they're doing it, other than a crass drive to cash into earlier success, is beyond me.
Flame suit on. The original Tron pushed the boundaries of what was possible in Cinema, while being a fun entertaining movie. It produced more computer animated footage than any movie up to that date in a fresh, original format. 27 years later we've had entire movies filmed inside a computer save the performances of the actors, and a couple where the performances were generated in silico. Hence it is not likely to break new ground. Why they're doing it, other than a crass drive to cash into earlier success, is beyond me.
The original TRON was groundbreaking. Like Jay, I too was very impressed. Not quite impressed enough to paint a unitard, but impressed nonetheless. I will go watch this new movie but this time to see the story and not the technology. The movie may fail for that basis but it will still be a fun watch.
It's weird how one performance of an actor can influence your perception of other roled he played. I recently watched Tron again, but every time Jeff Dridges would speak all I could picture was "The Dude" drinking his white russians :D
Also - Jay, just for funsies, have you ever played Kingdom Hearts? There's an awesome Tron scene in it, and it lasts quite a long time. Super fun to see Final Fantasy Characters, Goofy and Donald Duck in Tron.
geez, I need to get with the technology ... I read the header and thought Jay needed a Heavy Duty trailer to move his airplane ...
The original Tron (all due respect to Jay) was lame. Computer-generated lame. Just, bad. I could have done better with a few handpuppets and a Super-8. It doesn't stand the test of time. Hell, it barely stood the test of a few months.
The original Tron (all due respect to Jay) was lame. Computer-generated lame. Just, bad. I could have done better with a few handpuppets and a Super-8. It doesn't stand the test of time. Hell, it barely stood the test of a few months.

I disagree vehemently. It pushed technological boundaries without getting trapped in them, and met with critical and financial success in so doing.
When you see inadequacies and poorly executed technology in a forward looking piece of visual art remember that nothing dates a generation more than it's view of the future.

Examples: The riveted steel victorian gingerbread of Jules Verne. The miami-vice neon of Tron.
geez, I need to get with the technology ... I read the header and thought Jay needed a Heavy Duty trailer to move his airplane ...

I thought Jay was painting a Harley Davidson motorcycle Tron style and they didn't give him the trailer it comes with.
It sucked so bad it would have been better with Jay in it. It would have been better with Jay's airplane. Anything would have been better than two different versions of Jeff Bridges. Bleech.
It sucked so bad it would have been better with Jay in it. It would have been better with Jay's airplane. Anything would have been better than two different versions of Jeff Bridges. Bleech.

That saddens and angers me. They could have made it so cool...