Training cats?

larrysb said:
I wouldn't have one, actually should not have a cat in the house, due to allergies.

studies now show cat allergies are much less likely in people exposed to them at an early age ie before the immune system has fully sorted out what is good and bad.... if cats are around at age 0-5(?); chances of allergies to cats is less because the immune system recognizes cat saliva protein as 'good'.
Let'sgoflying! said:
studies now show cat allergies are much less likely in people exposed to them at an early age ie before the immune system has fully sorted out what is good and bad.... if cats are around at age 0-5(?); chances of allergies to cats is less because the immune system recognizes cat saliva protein as 'good'.
Oddly enough I grew out of a cat allergy. I was very allergic to cats when I was young, all the way up through probably my mid-30s. I couldn't even go to people's houses who had cats without taking a pill first. I would always be careful to wash my hands afterwards and not touch my eyes. Then one day my neighbor's cat had kittens. She asked if I wanted one. I laughed and told her no because I was allergic. However, I went over there anyway and played with them. Amazingly I had no allergic reaction at all, so I took one home (the one in the avatar). Since then I got two more. They are indoor cats who leave hair everywhere and I have had no hint of an allergy in over 10 years. It's not just them either. I don't seem to be allergic to any cats.

So I guess there is an advantage to getting old. :rolleyes:

As far as cats walking on places that food might be, I subscribe to the thought that your immune system is stronger if you expose yourself to more germs. Or else I'm just lazy. :dunno:

Follower of the 5-second rule!
Everskyward said:
Oddly enough I grew out of a cat allergy. I was very allergic to cats when I was young, all the way up through probably my mid-30s. I couldn't even go to people's houses who had cats without taking a pill first. I would always be careful to wash my hands afterwards and not touch my eyes. Then one day my neighbor's cat had kittens. She asked if I wanted one. I laughed and told her no because I was allergic. However, I went over there anyway and played with them. Amazingly I had no allergic reaction at all, so I took one home (the one in the avatar). Since then I got two more. They are indoor cats who leave hair everywhere and I have had no hint of an allergy in over 10 years. It's not just them either. I don't seem to be allergic to any cats.
My wife was just the opposite. No allergies at all for the first 10 years she lived with my cat. Then over the course of a few weeks she went from mild irritation to hives.
smigaldi said:
9 Watts??!

40 Watt range is what the Terminator wanted. 9 Watt, that is like a "baby" phased plasma riflle.;)

hmmm 'baby' maybe 9 watt would be good for crying babies on airplanes, hmmmm :D

Actually, 9 watts was what the Terminator asked for in the movie. Now, the Terminator would prolly be an "alien" from Mexico. :D
Anthony said:
Actually, 9 watts was what the Terminator asked for in the movie. Now, the Terminator would prolly be an "alien" from Mexico. :D

The Terminator: The .45 Long Slide, with laser sighting.
Pawn Shop Clerk: These are brand new; we just got them in. That's a good gun. Just touch the trigger, the beam comes on and you put the red dot where you want the bullet to go. You can't miss. Anything else?
The Terminator: Phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range.
Pawn Shop Clerk: Hey, just what you see, pal.

Looks like you are correct. Interesting as when the movie was released 9MM was all the rage. Do you think the Terminator really was from the future and predicted the .40 S&W???

"I'll be back."