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Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
Reminder - check for castaways. I had an extra, unmanifested passenger coming home. Little impact on W&B, but a real blood-sucker.

We'll spare any discussion of just *where* Tick-a-Mongo latched on...
They latch onto the damnest spots...

I'm pretty sure at this point I made it through without ticks. I sprayed myself with DEET twice daily while there.
Well, I can remember what they called Nixon . . .

Reminder - check for castaways. I had an extra, unmanifested passenger coming home. Little impact on W&B, but a real blood-sucker.

We'll spare any discussion of just *where* Tick-a-Mongo latched on...
I'll ask Leslie to check me! Even if I don't think there's a chance in Hades I got one!:)
I'll ask Leslie to check me! Even if I don't think there's a chance in Hades I got one!:)

Well now, Grant... that is the fun part of coming back out of the boonies, right??! :ihih: Whew... Christopher and I also appear to have come through unscathed. We both went through Nikki's fur and brushed her out completely yesterday... ugggh. Not fun looking, but we were worried about her more than ourselves, I think. We went to Myrtle Beach, SC last year and weren't even thinking about ticks and Nikki comes home with two of them which we didn't see until they were HUGE! :hairraise: Christopher had to get them off of her... I couldn't do it. It was awful. In case anyone here has never seen a fully engorged tick before, they get round and peach colored... about the diameter of a 1 to 1 1/4 carat round-cut diamond. I was wondering when this year's tick thread was going to pop up!
Leave it to a woman to compare an engorged tick to a diamond, and to top that off a diamond of a particular cut!:eek::thumbsup:
ugh ugh ugh. take them incredibly seriously.

Guess you all won't be seeing me at Gastons. You do not mess with those SOBs.
ugh ugh ugh. take them incredibly seriously.

Guess you all won't be seeing me at Gastons. You do not mess with those SOBs.


...it's not like Arkansas has an exclusive on ticks.

Do you just stay indoors all the time?
I've known people that have contracted serious diseases from ticks (things like Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, etc.) that became very cautious about exposure afterwards, and I can't say that I blame them one bit.

...it's not like Arkansas has an exclusive on ticks.

Do you just stay indoors all the time?

I avoid tall grass like the plague. I go outside but stick to paved trails only. Hiking only out of tick season, too.
I spend a lot of time outside. I have never seen a tick or know anyone that had a tick on them. This thread has certainly made me more aware of them.

Before we left Jake got a treatment of K9-Advantix and vaccinations for Lyme disease and one other(?).

I did use the Deep Woods Off liberally. I had a cut bleeding under my socks that could have been sumthin.
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I wonder if humans can use Frontline? :)

It would be akin to flying outside the envelope, Dani. Test piloting. No one knows what might happen as it has not been tested or approved for human use. Might turn out to be just fine. But there are cancer concerns (rat thyroids for eg). Best to stick with the known chemicals.
It would be akin to flying outside the envelope, Dani. Test piloting. No one knows what might happen as it has not been tested or approved for human use. Might turn out to be just fine. But there are cancer concerns (rat thyroids for eg). Best to stick with the known chemicals.

I would guess that the FDA has substantially more rigorous testing requirements for human drugs vs. animal, but who knows?
It would be akin to flying outside the envelope, Dani. Test piloting. No one knows what might happen as it has not been tested or approved for human use. Might turn out to be just fine. But there are cancer concerns (rat thyroids for eg). Best to stick with the known chemicals.

Lyme disease is on the increase. The problem is the majority of cases are not reported by the patient or are misdiagnosed. Evidently, most medical professionals do not even suspect Lyme disease. Such to the point that only a handful of doctors specialize in the diagnosis. Apparently the symptoms of Lyme mimic so many other maladies that when the correct diagnosis is made the patient is already long down the road of expensive medical costs.

Here in the SW desert Lyme is a huge concern. Who woulda thunk?
Yup, that's right, you could actually go blind.

Running with scissors can cause the same thing amongst other activities. ;)

I've pulled more ticks off me in my 43 on this big blue ball we call home than I could possibly count (and I can count pretty danged high :wink2:). The odds of contracting an ailment from ticks is not that great. While those that do contract some disease, it can be a long painful recovery. However, let's keep things in perspective.
Running with scissors can cause the same thing amongst other activities. ;)

I've pulled more ticks off me in my 43 on this big blue ball we call home than I could possibly count (and I can count pretty danged high :wink2:). The odds of contracting an ailment from ticks is not that great. While those that do contract some disease, it can be a long painful recovery. However, let's keep things in perspective.

But if you get the lottery ticket, it can be pretty bad. And how do you know if you haven't contracted anything from a tick unless you've been tested. You might be harboring something and not know it. Have any funny illnesses or joint issues that crop up from time to time? Tiredness you thought was just not enough sleep? Maybe occasional shortness of breath that you figure is probably from smoking? (or taking those stairs too fast?)

If you have had that many ticks I would be surprised if you truly had nothing lurking.

There are a lot of symptoms, some mild, some not - and if you happen to harbor auto-immune tendencies the tick bite can flip that switch.
I heard somewhere (radio?) that there are about 15,000 cases of Lyme Disease reported each year - but there is concern that there are many more cases that aren't reported.
just got a notice that Maine has 3X the 'normal' rate of Lyme dz recently.
Well... another Gaston's gone by and I know that the photo and video thread is probably going to be more popular... but as a part of any thorough Gaston's post de-brief and analysis we should probably all strip down our significant other (might as well make it fun!) and also take a brush to our pets that may have spent a lot of time under the Gaston's picnic tables on the flight line (ugh!) to check for any unmanifested passengers that may have hitched a ride home with us. This has been a public service announcement. :yes:
Who's up for a tick check?!

My family of four had nuthin'... but I knocked one of the suckers off Michele as we watched it crawl up her wrist.
I would guess that the FDA has substantially more rigorous testing requirements for human drugs vs. animal, but who knows?

Nope. Same excruciating process. After Pfizer got approval for Revolution in two sizes, up to 15 pounds, it took them YEARS to finally get FDA approval to sell a size dosed for cats up to 22 pounds.

Systemic products like Revolution, Advantage Multi, or the chewable Heartguard) require FDA approval, with all the blind studies, testing and reporting that entails. Some non-systemic, spot-on products like Advantage and Frontline for instance, require only EPA Pesticide approval.

I would not use any of those products without a much better understanding of each ingredient. Consider that Advantix is labeled for Dogs only. It KILLS cats. I don't know of any human that it was ever tested on. I would not be a test case, although I have spilled tiny drops of several products on me a few times, but I washed them off with dawn detergent immediately.
...I would not use any of those products without a much better understanding of each ingredient. Consider that Advantix is labeled for Dogs only. It KILLS cats. I don't know of any human that it was ever tested on. I would not be a test case, although I have spilled tiny drops of several products on me a few times, but I washed them off with dawn detergent immediately.

Jake had his K9 Avantix protection (which is why I had him get his salon beauty treatment before I put it on him) and the Lepro and Lyme Disease vaccinations so I didn't worry. I did notice that some flies still it on him, so the repellent part didn't work so much.

I used that Deep Woods Off!

There is an Advantix for cats. I got some for the disgusting critter that infests the lower level of my home.
There is an Advantix for cats. I got some for the disgusting critter that infests the lower level of my home.
When you introduced us, that's not what you called her!:rolleyes:

Glad Jake was (at least semi-) protected!