Tick Tock


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
Well, today represents my last day on the PoA management council. 9 years ago, Chuck (Greebo) asked me to step into an MC role as others were transitioning out. I didn't expect to be on the MC for so long....

A couple of thoughts:
1) There's been much more good than bad on PoA. Sometimes it's easy to get swept up in the bad, but PoA has led to plenty of friendships on-and-offline. Going to fly-ins/meetups is great, being able to put a face to a name is even better.
2) Yes, there's been good, bad, and ugly. We tried to keep the "bad" and "ugly" out of the main forums, limiting them to the MC private areas. No, that didn't always work.
3) Thanks for the privilege of being part of the MC for so long. That's a thanks to all of you - without your support, it wouldn't be possible.
4) Thanks to the fellow members of the MC - Adam, Spike, Jesse, Greg, Mari, Jason, and now Troy. And all the others that were on-board in the past (Mike, Bruce, Ron, Brian, Chuck, etc). This place is better because of each and all of you.
5) Thanks to Chuck (Greebo) for starting PoA in the first place.
6) No, the MC didn't always see things the same way. That's why there were several of us, and why most actions required a vote of 3 or more MC members. Sometimes that slowed down decisions, but in the end it helped to ensure more fair and evenhanded treatment. Except for spam, of course, which is the scourge of the earth - die spam, die.

The current MC team will continue the tradition of making PoA a great place to hang out. There will undoubtedly be some changes, but with the team we have, I'm assured that they will work out fine. Please be gentle on them - it's a volunteer role and folks are giving up their time and effort to try and make this a good place.

It'll be a bit of an adjustment for me, but I'm not planning on going anywhere soon. I've got some other business and personal matters that will take more of my time, and limit some of my participation here.

Thanks again to all, and Carry on!
Thanks for all your hard, and unselfish work!
Thanks for everything! Running a forum is a time consuming endeavor and I appreciate all the MC staff for what they do.

Enjoy the new found time.
Great job! Good luck with future endeavors.
We'll miss you Bill! Happy retirement (from the MC anyway).
Thanks Bill.

BTDT. Thankless job.

So I'll just say thanks. And congratulate you on your escape. ;)
Y'all cannot imagine how much work and energy Bill has devoted to PoA, for which he has my undying appreciation. So much goes on "behind the curtain," and Bill Suffa is a voice of reason and character.

Much of what is good about PoA can be tied directly to Bill's good guidance.

Thank you very much, Bill!
Thank you for your service to POA.

Don't be a stranger, your input is invaluable.
Bill, thanks for your years of service here, it IS appreciated!
Bill was a huge asset it seems a bit hackneyed to say it but its really impossilble to know what Bill has added and had to deal with on the MC.

Bill we are not sure whether your POA pension has been funded but it if is remember you will receive your monthly payment of 80% of your POA Salary so expect your first payment of NOTHING:D on the first of every month. But I'm happy to say you will received our lasting thanks!
Shouldn't this be in the Spin Zone? Just kidding. Thanks Bill. Ya done good for all of us and it's appreciated.
That really does have to be a thankless job... Thanks for stepping up and doing it.
Thank You for your service.