Thread Closings and General Management


N9017H - C172M (1976)
Feb 11, 2005
Baltimore, MD
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Retired Evil Overlord
I want to take a moment to discuss a matter that apparently has rankled a few people enough to levy complaints about "management practices" - and that is the recent closing of a thread in the Medical Matters forum which had gotten off topic.

Appropriate use of the Forum Categories
First of all - let me explain that Medical Matters and Lessons Learned are serious forums. We allow anonymous posting in those two forums because they are serious enough that we respect that people may wish to hide their identity when discussing certain topics. Because of that extra ability, and the potential for abuse that such anonymous abilities carry with them, those two forums will always be treated somewhat more strictly than the other forums, and much more strictly than Hangar Talk.

Hangar Talk is the play forum where pretty much any topic is acceptable so long as the RoC isn't violated. The other forums have general categories - and it is expected that those categories are respected and generally adhered to. When threads in those forums drift off topic, or are in the wrong category, they will be moved or closed, depending on the circumstances.

Folks that's all there is to it and it isn't gonna change.

The Closed Thread
As to the specific thread that was closed - lets review. It was over six months old. It was, originally, appropriate to the Medical Matters forum. It died a natural death, until its unnatural revival by a spam ad, becoming a zombie thread. Had the thread gotten back on the topic, it could have led a second life, but it wandered into subjects that were completely unrelated to medicine or the original posters message, and so, in order to keep the Medical Matters forum, I closed it.

Complaints about Management
Now as for General Management. I have heard that there have been complaints raised about the closing of the thread - some in public, and some in private to other members of the Management Council.

I have no problem if someone asks why a thread was closed openly. The best place to ask such questions are in Site Feedback, and in a thread of their own. Bear in mind though that 95% of the time, if a thread is closed, it will stay closed. Decisions of the individual managers here are mostly final. I'm always happy to explain my reasons for closing a thread. I'm rarely happy to debate them.

Now where we do apparently have a problem is with how issues with general management are raised. If you have a problem with the action of a moderator, the first person you should talk to about that problem is that moderator. (PMing would be the most appropriate means of bringing it up.) Evidently some people were bothered enough by the fact that I closed a thread that they went to other members of the management council to complain, rather than PMing me.

If you had a problem with another moderators actions, and came to me first, the first thing I'd ask you is, "Have you spoken to them about it?". If your answer was No, you can guess where I would send you. Likewise, if you have a problem with an action I've taken, you should talk to me about it first.

Our moderator staff here is part of a team. We discuss our actions with each other. We generally don't overrule each other. There have been occasions where, jointly, a decision to change an action taken has been agreed upon, but we try to ensure that those kinds of overrides (if that's the right term for it) are done jointly, not by individual action. Otherwise we'd have the management fighting for control with each other, which would not be good.

I'm always glad to address any concerns anyone might have - and I know my fellow council members feel the same way.

As always, we are very happy that you've chosen to land at Pilots of America.


Rough night, Chuck? :)

Sounds like something got your personal goat there. As far as I could see (without seeing the PMs, obviously), it never really appeared that anyone was openly criticizing you, more that they were surprised to see a topic closed.

As a visitor to many forums, I have to say that in most cases, when a thread is revived like that, the ZP get ridiculed by the other posters. In this case, the ZP was a spammer. I'm not sure there was an option besides closing it, as there was no original topic to get back to anymore.

BTW - I don't post this because I was the OP. At that point, it was no longer my thread. It had been dead and revived.
I was surprised simply because the zombie thread was not hurting anyone, had entertainment value, and displayed the sense of community we enjoy here. It would have died a natural death within a few days. Maybe in future situations like that, you could just split that part of the thread off into a new thread? Just a suggestion.
Chuck I have absolutely no problem with the way you, Brian, Bruce and the other moderators run things.

If people complain too much they do have the freedom of choice to move to (drum roll) the red board!
bstratt said:
Chuck I have absolutely no problem with the way you, Brian, Bruce and the other moderators run things.

If people complain too much they do have the freedom of choice to move to (drum roll) the red board!
Absolutely. The hard part is figuring out where to draw the line in the sand between "approved content" and the free-for-all that exists on some other boards. It's easier to say the line is 3 inches off than to be the one figuring out where to stick their finger in the sand.
Toby said:
I was surprised simply because the zombie thread was not hurting anyone, had entertainment value, and displayed the sense of community we enjoy here. It would have died a natural death within a few days. Maybe in future situations like that, you could just split that part of the thread off into a new thread? Just a suggestion.
Splitting threads can be done, but requires some effort on our part whereas closing is a one click deal. Splitting the thread requires whoever's doing the split to spend several minutes reviewing each reply and determining where it should go.

Had the tangental discussion really seemed serious, however, I'd have taken the effort. But even now, reviewing the thread, it doesn't seem that the discussion was really substantive.

As I said, I closed the thread because it was wandering in a forum where the line isn't in the sand, it's in concrete (or at least fairly dense clay). Medical Matters is a serious forum, and not provided for entertainment.

There's also nothing preventing a thread in the appropriate forum being opened to continue the discussion.
Greebo said:
Folks that's all there is to it and it isn't gonna change.

Thanks for providing the strong but fair leadership we had not been provided.... .mmm.....elsewhere.

Heck, as for closing threads, I don't see the big deal - I can start 5 new ones before anyone can close one!
Steve said:
There should be a natural half-life for threads. Pick a time, any time. The same questions and comments tend to repeat themselves over time anyway from new comers and those with old-timers. After x days the thread is dead. Resurrect the topic if it's that noteworthy in a new thread. Leave the archiving to the end user if they so desire.

My 2% solution.

With a natural half-life, there would still always be some percentage of the thread still on line...

I like having all threads complete, whether argumentative or not, searchable for reference indefinitely.
i don't see the big deal .. just a lot of drama. if you don't agree with management, just mention it and move on. i'm sure concerns are heard.