This reminds me of a movie....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
"Weekend at Bernie's".

Police have arrested two women after they tried to take the body of a dead relative onto a plane at Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

Staff became suspicious when the women tried to check in the man, who was wearing sunglasses, for a flight to Berlin on Saturday.

Airport security actually found something.... :D
ive been hearing Prop me up beside the Jukebox a lot on the radio lately...
Ah yes, Weekend at Bernies.


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This same thing happened on UAL a few years back. I think they actually got half way across the Atlantic before it was discovered.
Maybe I am resurrecting an old thread (pun intended) but isn't this why you announce Souls on Board in an emergency, and why ICAO flight plans label the box SOB.

Because flying morticians even went so far as to belt body bags upright in seats and the first responders know the joke "Cessna crashed into cemetary, 300 dead" You tell them how many souls you are transporting so they know how many teeth they are looking for.

On a funny note: In the bahama's you had to file a flight plan to leave (so they could extract the $10 pounds). I left the SOB column blank out of confusion and when the woman asked I said "I thought I was a nice guy so I didn't check the box"

She must have thought it was funny enough to pass along because I was
"one SOB" cleared to taxi!