This looks like a fun little ride


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I like the way Shoulder wing aircraft look. I was reading up on some different ones and I came across this one. Looks like they only made a handful and went out of business.

Anyone ever see/fly one of these. I like the way it looks.
The wings appear to actually be swept forward slightly.


Might be annoying having that wing right at eye level.
Probably take a little getting used to.
It looks like they could not decide. Hi wing or mid wing.

Reminds me of the Toyota pickup I saw many many years ago going down the high. On the back of the camper shell it said...When I grow up I want to be a Semi.

When this grows up it wants to be a Hi-wing
With an 83 kt cruise speed and a 126 kt VNE, you won't go anyplace fast in that thing.

I wish these were still produced. It's the coolest airplane I've ever flown.

250kts on Saturday morning to go get breakfast. :D
Looks like it really inhibits visibility.
Oh, I don't know. Note that both pictures are taken well to the side, but the pilot is still clearly visible. Directly to the left is blocked, but in flight, a slight wing-dip lets you look over the wing or crouch down a bit to look under it.

Contrast that with, say, a 150 with a 6' tall pilot. One's eyes are almost in the wing roots already.

The fact is, with a shoulder wing, a huge swath of ground and sky are instantaneously visible. Just a notch on the left (and a smaller one on the right), both taken care of by either slight maneuvering of the aircraft or torso.

Ron Wanttaja
Real lousy design. No wonder they went broke. Rans does it correctly which is why they are so popular especially in back country flying.
Whew..... When I read the title I thought you might be talking about a possible new girlfriend.... :ihih: :lol::lol::lol:
No, I have a whole nother forum for that ;)
Cpt what airplane is that?
Swearingen SX300
That's got to be a handful in a crosswind landing.
I wouldn't doubt it. It's the most pitch sensitive thing I've flown. You don't move the stick, you think and the airplane does. Ailerons are pretty heavy.

But it's really beautiful! What is it?
Aha, found it. Swearingen SX300, with 540 CI!!!

I believe some might have to 550. It's one hell of an airplane. It's one of the few that gets better gas mileage than most cars.

Flying it in formation was incredible. I have pictures, but I'd prefer to show them in person. I don't need people picking them apart.
Love the SX300. Ed Swearingen sure designed pretty planes. Just about the only piston plane that can give my Aerostar a run for the money in speed..:goofy::D:yes::thumbsup:
I actually think the Metroliner looks pretty good. The 'San Antonio stovepipe' sure looks sleek, if nothing else.

But his masterpiece was the SJ30. You can see the sharkfin tail resemblance from the SX300.

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