Thick and Thicker

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
All right so, I've been noticing an odd trend at the gym. There are several (about six at least) pairs of girls with the following characteristics:

1. One normal size though "filled out", and the other supersized.

2. Both early to mid twenties.

3. All are Russian. Perhaps sisters, maybe friends, not sure. Didn't ask. Not sure I could if I wanted to.

4. The smaller one takes the lead, all in except one case where the big one takes the lead. (Hopefully in all cases the smaller one prevails on dietary issues.)

I mean there is nothing odd about pairs of girls working out, but six with the same exact characteristics just seems abnormal to me. Perhaps there is some sort of "adopt a babushka" thing going on?

Anyway, not a big deal. Just had to share.
Looking through conspiracy theory goggles; perhaps the Cold War isn't over and the gym is a secret base of operation. The smaller of each pair, probably does the second story work.
All right so, I've been noticing an odd trend at the gym. There are several (about six at least) pairs of girls with the following characteristics:

1. One normal size though "filled out", and the other supersized.

2. Both early to mid twenties.

3. All are Russian. Perhaps sisters, maybe friends, not sure. Didn't ask. Not sure I could if I wanted to.

4. The smaller one takes the lead, all in except one case where the big one takes the lead. (Hopefully in all cases the smaller one prevails on dietary issues.)

I mean there is nothing odd about pairs of girls working out, but six with the same exact characteristics just seems abnormal to me. Perhaps there is some sort of "adopt a babushka" thing going on?

Anyway, not a big deal. Just had to share.

Seriously I'm the first to say this? Pictures or it didn't happen.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
All right so, I've been noticing an odd trend at the gym. There are several (about six at least) pairs of girls with the following characteristics:

1. One normal size though "filled out", and the other supersized.

2. Both early to mid twenties.

3. All are Russian. Perhaps sisters, maybe friends, not sure. Didn't ask. Not sure I could if I wanted to.

4. The smaller one takes the lead, all in except one case where the big one takes the lead. (Hopefully in all cases the smaller one prevails on dietary issues.)

I mean there is nothing odd about pairs of girls working out, but six with the same exact characteristics just seems abnormal to me. Perhaps there is some sort of "adopt a babushka" thing going on?

Anyway, not a big deal. Just had to share.

Herds of a feather....
Another interesting episode of Sac's Tales from the Gym.
Seriously I'm the first to say this? Pictures or it didn't happen.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Yeah, I thought about that, but a) I would violate the use policy of my gym, and the posting of said photos on the Internet would only serve as evidence, and b) the subject matter in question isn't THAT great, trust me, and c) I would need a wide angle lens to fully depict the situation, if you get my drift.