They are hiring...

Thats SICK,especailly the last statment, about the 3 things he's affraid of . And he has or does all 3.
Dave G
They don't pay enough.
I don't know what they pay - but whatever it is, it isn't enough.
They don't pay enough.
I don't know what they pay - but whatever it is, it isn't enough.
I'd do that for the right price. You'd get used to it like anything.
They don't pay enough.
I don't know what they pay - but whatever it is, it isn't enough.

Forget the money. Look at it as an adventure. It's easy to sit at home and count money but that's not what life is about. How many people can say they crawled around on an energized high voltage power line?

I'd do it for a few months just to do it - for free at that.