The physics of Santa


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Display name:
Fox McCloud
How Santa does his thing without the messiness of airspace violations, excessive red-shift, heat dissipation, or relativity issues.

Santa can do it because he is SATAN and can control space/time!!!!

If your avatar was the commercially accepted personification of Santa, then I would suspect fewer children would be excited about having him come down the chimney and want to leave cookies for him.
If your avatar was the commercially accepted personification of Santa, then I would suspect fewer children would be excited about having him come down the chimney and want to leave cookies for him.
The Santa in my avatar makes kids see the commercially accepted version of Santa.
The Santa in my avatar makes kids see the commercially accepted version of Santa.

"You have entered... The Migaldi Zone..."

*cute theme music* ;)
Worm Hole .... Speed of Light .....??

He wants us to beleive that for 50 years NORAD has been perpetuating a hoax on the populace, Please.
That video was very informative.

I wasn't aware, for example, that the power of antimatter had already been harnessed. Did that come out of CERN, or was it a private-sector project?

Well they have been hiding alien spacecraft at area 51. There is no telling what they are capable of.

Well, surely tearing through space-time probably causes false echos among other EM emissions/interference that Norad thinks is a steady "normal airspeed" track across the world.:rolleyes:
Well, surely tearing through space-time probably causes false echos among other EM emissions/interference that Norad thinks is a steady "normal airspeed" track across the world.:rolleyes:
I am sure that use of tachyons prevent the sensors from picking that up, so you may be on to something.