"The organized self"


Pattern Altitude
Dec 19, 2007
Port St. Lucie, FL
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Moving right along through training to be a CFI, writtens passed, prepping for the checkride. I know what the FAA means with the statement that a person's basic need is to maintain and enhance the organized self, but what exactly is the "organized" self?

I understand the concepts and do just fine employing them (many years' experience as a trainer in my previous life), but am just trying to decipher the meaning of that one clause. Google hasn't pointed toward any revelations. Almost every site listed is for CFI training.

Clues? Suggestions for further reading? Mockery of my uneducated simplicity?
Organized self. Well lets see. I dunno.
The DPE or Inspector doing your checkride probably won't know either so I wouldn't worry about it. The important stuff from the AIH could be condensed down to probably 10-20 pages but that would be too easy.
I wonder if they're just saying "have your ducks in a row". It is likely easy to tell who has some kind of order to the information they need, and who is flailing around the cockpit searching for a sectional.

Did I just date myself with the flailing and sectional? I should get with the times... uhhhhhh... flailing with the ipad apps?
The DPE or Inspector doing your checkride probably won't know either so I wouldn't worry about it. The important stuff from the AIH could be condensed down to probably 10-20 pages but that would be too easy.

Agreed. That phrase has just piqued my curiousity. If I knew the definition, I might have more insight, which I have learned is the grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes.

It’s psychobabble that was popular amongst the self help crowd a decade or so ago, but I can’t place the source on it. Similar to “the realized self” in the way they use it.

Enjoy that FOI... some of it is excellent, some of it is ancient debunked poppycock nobody uses anymore to describe adult learning.

My DPE turned that part of the oral into a general discussion about teaching and adult learning in general, and while I could describe many of the FOI definitions and what not, I also have had other formal adult teaching courses over the years that get the points across in the FOI in less words, and better descriptions. We talked quite a bit about learning styles as I recall, but a DPE could literally pick anything from the FOI to discuss.

There’s a lot of both good and bad about the FOI to discuss if one has a teaching or business training background. There’s stuff in there you roll your eyes at, and there’s other stuff that’s quite reasonable.

Trying to dive into it and figure out how to study it is a royal pain in the butt if you’re not one who enjoys memorizing someone else’s descriptions of concepts. But it is what it is.
I'm definitely learning what the FAA wants me to know, but also taking notes and putting it in my own words. Much of it is real and makes sense, it's just that the language they use muddles the message. Can't they just say "people's basic need is to survive and get better at what they do"?
I'm definitely learning what the FAA wants me to know, but also taking notes and putting it in my own words. Much of it is real and makes sense, it's just that the language they use muddles the message. Can't they just say "people's basic need is to survive and get better at what they do"?

Problem is, they do want you to be able to use their words... because if you think about it, those words will be the words the DPE knows. Most DPEs know a lot more ways to describe how to teach, too... but some are sticklers for the FAA words.

YMMV in that regard, but memorize some of the FAA terminology. DPE is looking to see you get the concepts but also that you studied the FAA material. It’s a double edged thing during the oral, depending on the DPE.

I completely get what you’re saying. Just be cautious rewording it ALL... be prepared to give the FAA words, even if you’re better at summarizing it than regurgitating their descriptions.
I do know the FAA terms for it, and can also put it into other words and actually use the ideas in practice. I was just intrigued by that one phrase - "the organized self" - that I can't find any real outside reference to.
...depending on the DPE.

I must have missed it, if you ever mentioned it- did you have any exams with a DPE with the initials CT? Great guy, makes check rides fun, oral portion is very relaxed and conversational, yet he will allow you to put your foot in your mouth and then grill you about it for a few minutes. (I was warned to answer with as few words as possible and learn to enjoy awkward silence between questions. I guess my CFI thought I talk too much.) :D
Is organized self discussed in the flight instructor handbook?
I must have missed it, if you ever mentioned it- did you have any exams with a DPE with the initials CT? Great guy, makes check rides fun, oral portion is very relaxed and conversational, yet he will allow you to put your foot in your mouth and then grill you about it for a few minutes. (I was warned to answer with as few words as possible and learn to enjoy awkward silence between questions. I guess my CFI thought I talk too much.) :D

None with a CT. Mine were with AY, SD, JC and EC.
I must have missed it, if you ever mentioned it- did you have any exams with a DPE with the initials CT? Great guy, makes check rides fun, oral portion is very relaxed and conversational, yet he will allow you to put your foot in your mouth and then grill you about it for a few minutes. (I was warned to answer with as few words as possible and learn to enjoy awkward silence between questions. I guess my CFI thought I talk too much.) :D

I haven’t but I know exactly who you’re talking about. Met him long ago and talked for quite a while but haven’t had any rides with him. We met over me seeing his vanity license plate at a restaurant. Ha. Long before I was chasing ratings. Follow him on FB. That dude has a lot of energy. ;)

There’s a few in the area who are all really good.

(And by the way... any Colorado contingent ordered their Support Colorado Aviation vanity plates get? I need to do that... it’s just a looooong drive to my county’s only place to do license plates...)

Mainly I think we never attempted to schedule with him because he’s always crazy-busy and it was even worse back when I was doing rides. We might have tried around the time of the “big push” of all the people scrambling to do ATP rides who’s old writtens were about to expire. I think we called everybody on that one. Oh wait, I remember now. That was both the ATP push and around the time of his wedding.
My biggest issue would be which self is the one that needs to be organized.