"The Aviators" show picks KOSH as its "home" airport

Ahh... looking for alternatives to Hulu, since I am offline most of the time I have available to watch "tv".

Hi all. The show can be viewed online at our website at http://www.theaviators.tv or on DVD as well as Hulu (as has been previously mentioned).

Season 2 premieres this September on PBS, on DVD, and (as announced very recently) on iTunes!



I've been watching season 1 on Hulu, and I love it. The variety is great. I'm excited for the airing on PBS.
Thanks for the thread. I just ordered season 1 & 2 on DVD. I live so far out in the boonies that my internet runs on propane. Watching movies online just doesn't work out.

Why the move to Oshkosh?

There aren't many better places to serve at the official airport for a show called "The Aviators!" :)

It's always been our first choice and when it turned out they were as excited as we were it seemed like a perfect match.

Congratulations on a fine program, and on a second season.