Thanksgivings Past


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 8, 2015
Santa Barbara, CA
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On the road to Thanksgiving dinner and got to thinkn’ bout past Thanksgivings. Did it at Jack n the Box once with the Wife and kids. Her mother had just got sick, put in the hospital, so we went to see her. After visiting we said now what. Thought about finding a Restaurant that put a spread on but said probably would need a reservation so just said eff it and did Jack.
I worked for 30 years at 24/7 type places. Traditionally the single folk would cover for the family folk. Some times the family folk would show up later with ‘chow in a box’ and feed us.
When I was in Military Service the chow halls would put on a great dinner sometimes. Lots of of families would go to the Enlisted Chow hall for their Thanksgiving. Saw the General and his brood there once.
Notable thanksgivings:

1. Getting whooped by a 260 lb Samoan in the hand to hand pit in Army basic training.

2. Roasted a turkey in Saigon. Boss scored a turkey from a restaurant owner friend who had some shipped from the States. Ovens aren't a thing over there, but we did have a covered gas BBQ grill at the apartment. It worked.
I spent a Thanksgiving in Anchorage one time in a Denny's with 9 other folks, who were all strangers to each other before that day. Someone decided to pull a few tables together and we all sat and enjoyed each others company for a few hours.
We didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up so we raised chickens and such in our back yard. I remember one Thanksgiving morning, a turkey was walking around in the pen. At two that afternoon, said turkey was on a plate in the center of the table among other vegetables that we'd grown in our garden. The turkey wasn't all trussed up and golden brown like you see on tv but laying on it's side and sort of pitiful looking. I can't remember how it tasted but I suppose that it was okay.
Happy Thanksgiving from the Group W bench!FB_IMG_1637864470744.jpg
One year I went out deer hunting Thanksgiving morning with my 17 year old daughter in a foot of new snow before dinner (no luck that day, but my wife wasn't idle and the house smelled wonderfully of turkey when we returned). We've celebrated at home, at restaurants, with family and without, one forgettable year we went to McDonalds because we were traveling and couldn't find anything else open. This year (today) I went flying as it was reasonably warm (54°, open cockpit) and we're celebrating Saturday when the kids and grandkid can get here.
So there I was...

An md-88 captain. Flight attendants different hotel, copilot bailed, had family in the area...

For breakfast I had a pumpkin spice latte. Lunch was Jersey Mike’s in the terminal, got a turkey sub instead of the Italian. Dinner was the second half, followed by going downstairs to lobby bar for a cranberry juice and vodka. Was hoping to get the pumpkin spice creme brulee they bragged about in an advertisement on the elevator wall, but it wasn’t available due to reduced staff! Memorable....

But... another was in Lagos... WOW did they ever put on a feast for us. Entire crew of about 15 people, was really nice.
As a late teen, I remember one time that Mom didn't like something about the turkey, it smelled bad or something, says let's go to Dennys (only place open back in those days). We eat at Dennys, and we ALL get food poisoning from the restaurant that evening. Selling Buicks we all were. That one was memorable lol.
This didn't happen to me, but did happen to my sister. She was on a year of foreign exchange in Italy (near Milano). She was determined to make a Thanksgiving dinner for her host family there. We sent over some things she couldn't obtain there (canned pumpkin, etc...). She had arranged with the local poultry shop to get a turkey for that day. That morning, while she was out (they had half day of school on Thursdays), the housekeeper/cook where she was staying and her husband decided to do my sister a favor and deboned the turkey for her. My sister said she tried cramming a lot of stuffing inside it to try to prop it back up to its original shape, but that just made the stuffing a brick.