Tecnam P2006T - or W&B for us non-euros...


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 1, 2020
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Ok, to start with yes I know how to calculate w&b for the Tecnam using the charts in the AFM. And I'm fine with normal pencil and paper w&b calculations for "traditional" approaches to this (before any "back-in-my-day" warriors pounce...). But the Tecnam is different than the US designed aircraft I've spent most of my time in and it has a couple curveballs. First it's in kg/m instead of lb/ft, second it uses %MAC instead of a a charted envelope that connects more directly in my brain to the physical movement of loads around different stations on an aircraft, and third the AFM lists no station arms for load positions (even the TCDS doesn't have this - listing only the baggage location and the total fore and aft limits).

As an exercise to familiarize myself with %MAC and another way of looking at w&b generally I've been trying to build a foreflight w&b profile for the Tecnam. And it's proving to be surprisingly, annoyingly difficult. I find no online resource that lists station locations for loads, and the CG envelope in %MAC creates another disconnect. And then add in that my algebra brain is rusty and converting loads from/to kg/lbs adds another link to screw up ... and I end up dead in the water.

Anybody successfully set up a foreflight w&b profile for one? Or have tips on how to do it for a similiar %MAC aircraft?
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The FAA TCDS gives the allowable CG range in inches, along with the datum location and arm in inches for the fuel tanks:

The arms for the seats and baggage area can be worked out by reversing the WxA=M formula or with a measuring tape.

As an example of the former, according to the loading graph, 200kg (441 lb.) in the front seats results in a moment of -1301 lb-ft. So the arm is -2.95 ft. or -35.4 in.

(Deleted and reposted because I forgot to convert feet to inches :rolleyes: .)
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Great thanks, that gets me closer. I was looking at the EASA TCDS which is missing the fuel tanks and seats. And also hadn't backed into the calcs using the graph. So now I did that.

I still have a foreflight issue with where it places the empty CG. Currently it's at 50.86%MAC ... which is wrong obviously. And this is just a math or logic issue...which I'm apparently bad at...

Working on it.
I'm happy to share my screen shots for my P2008. I feel your pain. It wasn't easy.
Oh that would be really appreciated Flocker. Glad I'm not the only one...
% MAC chord is an ATP notion (swept wings).
...that's why is so foreign to us "light aircraft" guys....