SWA- the new arbiter of 21st Century fashion...

While I, as a guy, found the T-shirt to be humorous, I can imagine that some folks might well find it to be inappropriate for a family environment.

I think Southwest shouldn't have made him change (given their current lack of policy), but I also think that the guy who wore it really needs to show some personal responsibility in what he wears. He wasn't in a bar - or on HootersAir, after all.

That said, I've seen a woman in an outfit on an AA flight that was so, shall we say 'loose' and torn that she really should have been taken off the plane.

Where do these folks learn about "appropriate" and "inappropriate", anyway?
Everything that makes "news" these days is about context.

What Bill S. said (While I, as a guy, found the T-shirt to be humorous, I can imagine that some folks might well find it to be inappropriate for a family environment.) is the absolute truth. In that context, I also would consider the T-shirt offensive. But then, I come from the day when men ALWAYS wore a tie and jacket on an airline.

FWIW, the carriage contract (what you agree to when you purchase a ticket) allows the airlane to refuse carriage if your clothing is lewd or offensive. Why must we now go through the futile effort of defining in specific terms what constitutes lewd and offensive? Will this definition apply to bus and plane or only to plane? Will it apply to commercial flights or charter flights or GA flights or all of them?

I consider myself a conservative, but I always try to see things in context. In the context, I think SWA was correct, Just as the other recent events may well have been.
So I probably wouldn't be allowed to wear this shirt that I have.


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"It's really disappointing in this country when I can't travel from Ohio to Florida with the clothes on my back,"

I'm really dissapointed in this country at the inability to determine or restrain from bad taste. Please, who taught this twit how to dress?

This really backs my thoughts on capitol punishment for morons.
If the FA thought it was inappropriate, as an agent for the carrier, that's good enough for me. A little decorum is in order when you're out in public.
I might not be able to tell you what is inappropriate (our opinions WILL vary) but if I think it is, it is! If I'm in position to make a decision about it, you might not agree with my choice. But as a boss once told me, "I'm the boss.".
Maybe having no sense of humor is a condition of employment at SWA? :confused:

There's typically a fine line between humor and bad taste, in this case given the circumstance, it was a river, and that dude went swimming. That joke was funny in the 6th grade.
There's typically a fine line between humor and bad taste, in this case given the circumstance, it was a river, and that dude went swimming. That joke was funny in the 6th grade.
Awww, I thought it was kinda cute. Differ'nt strokes. :D

Besides, when is bad humor a reason to get kicked off an airplane. I know there are some who would like to go back to the old days of getting dressed up in your Sunday best for airline travel. I would not.
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I used to laugh very hard at the advertisements that a small fishing store ("Master Bait and Tackle, come in with your rod for a cleaning...") used to run in the mountains of Colorado. It really was the name of the shop.

We really do have a lot of people that don't understand the phrase "a time and a place for everything".
Well that would certainly clear the road congestion problem. Should get about 2/3 of the drivers off the roads.
I was once dealing with an officer as a witness to an accident. An idiot in a Mustang came behind us and was weaving through heavy traffic at high speed. He would have hit me as he came into my lane just behind me but I moved at the last minute. He went around me then clipped a van just ahead of me and caused him to go over three lanes, luckily missing all other traffic.

I didn't see if he was on a cell phone but it wouldn't have surprised me. I asked the cop, "If one stood on the side of the road and shot cell phones out of driver's hands, would it be a criminal act or a public service?" He laughed and just said, "Good question!"

Georgia has "Highway Emergency Response Operators" also known as a "HERO." They assist stranded drivers and help speed up clearing of accidents, etc. I smiled big time when when that particular HERO put a cable on the Mustang to drag it from the center of the roadway. It ripped off whatever was left of the left fender and front-end suspension. :D
I used to have this shirt that said

FedSex...When you Absolutely...Positively...Gotta Have it Overnight.