Super Tuesday tornadoes


Final Approach
Feb 18, 2006
Smith Valley, Nevada
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I just found out my parent's home in Jackson was damaged by a tornado tonight, third time in five years! Just minor damage this time, but sheesh, Jackson was ripped up pretty good. The shopping center down the street from their house was destroyed, along with a nursing home and part of my high school alma mater. All power is out on their side of town so they don't even know the extent of damage yet, there may be many more fatalities. Arkansas got it bad too.
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Richard, I'm glad your folks are ok.

At first, I thought you were referring to Jackson, WY. I was floored there might have been tornadoes there.
Jackson TN? Jackson MS?

The one at Atkins (AR) killed 3 people. That is about 8 miles east of our airport (KRUE). Got the house of the sister of a member of our pilot community but she was OK. I use Lake Atkins as a 8 mile reporting landmark when inbound from that direction. One of our linemen will be off today to help his brother with tornado damage near Clinton.
We're OK, 45 dead in the south, 24 in TN alone, sad sad night for many folks :(
I just called my mom, they live outside of Nashville.

All is well, though they are tired. She said it was a long night, much of it spent in a neighbors basement.
Jackson TN? Jackson MS?

One of our linemen will be off today to help his brother with tornado damage near Clinton.

We just talked to my in-laws in Mountain View, AR. They hot hammered too. They are fine, but the main part of town is gone. Got the hosptial too on the east part of town. I am headed that way this weekend to help. Wish I had a plane.

We currently have three inches of snow. Wild February.
One of our airport commissioners was on the rescue crews at Atkins, AR last night. He had some incredible stories today about the strength of this tornado. Two things that hadn't been found yet at noon today - the trailer from an 18 wheeler. The whole rig had been transported through the air across the median and across the opposing lanes of the interstate and landed in a field. The tractor and the cotton bale load was there but the trailer wasn't. And a trailer house - they expected to at least find the frame and axles.

One fatality was a person who sheltered in a metal shipping container, the kind you see on container ships or on truck trailers going down the highway. The container was carried through the air around a thousand feet. It was clean and undamaged, appeared not to have tumbled or skidded across the ground. He was apparently crushed by the stuff that was stored in the container.

They had a lot of trouble with only one access road into one area and people streaming in to "help" of gawk blocking ambulances trying to get out with injured people, some in critical condition.

Every bit of fuel we pumped today was into helos or planes associated in some way with the aftermath.
Debbie made it through the night while in the basement (I'm in Orlando). She called me this evening to say one of her co-workers was killed last night by a tornado just NE of Nashville (Castalian Springs for those who know the area).
As Bill stated, a sad night indeed.
Glad to hear all of you made it through just fine (and that goes for family as well).