"Student" pilot survives in Montana


Management Council Member
Jul 4, 2006
Lincoln, Nebraska
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Jason W (FlyNE)

A student pilot whose plane crashed into a mountainside survived a freezing night huddled in the tail of the wrecked aircraft and wrapped in emergency blankets, then hiked a mile through waist-deep snow wearing only shorts to meet rescuers Wednesday.

Turns out he was PP-ASEL-IA with 150 hours. However, Because he was on a training flight he is a "student pilot". <sigh>

At least the guy later in the article sets them straight.

Also, kudos to the pilot. Regardless of the reason for the accident...he kept his wits about him and survived a night in the snowy mountains.
You always fly for the crash, not just the flight. At a minimum when I go out in the winter months, I take some super warm long underwear, a small yet powerful camping stove, matches, high calorie food, water bottles, and other small items. Even a unplanned landing at a remote airport can get really miserable if you can't contact someone to get ya.
Sometimes I would look down on the landscape and think if I crash it could be several days at best before I could walk out. Even though it might be the valley just before the ridge with a town on the other side. And that's in 'civilized' areas....

We forget how easy it is to fly across desolate land.

Turns out he was PP-ASEL-IA with 150 hours. However, Because he was on a training flight he is a "student pilot". <sigh>

At least the guy later in the article sets them straight.

Also, kudos to the pilot. Regardless of the reason for the accident...he kept his wits about him and survived a night in the snowy mountains.
They could have called him an "applicant" to really confuse the reader.