Spoofed emails

> I couldn't get the link to work, can someone else check it?

The PoA board software is mangling the link(s). Please CUT-PASTE
this URL into your browser:


For the truly paranoid; LastPass' cloud synchronization feature may be
objectionable. For me, it is an acceptable risk. Everyone gets to make
their own decision.

Actually, the link works this time. (The first time you posted it, a mouse-over showed that it was going to an Amazon page!)
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> http://www.pilotsofamerica.com/forum...9&postcount=19

Junk science.

Actually; that judgement is a tad harsh. It's merely bad science.

If using dictionary words or phrases/quotes, you don't REALLY
have a full 44-bits of PRN entropy.

I remember one password cracker that included Nixon's quote, "I am not a
crook" ... and the irony - both were crooked! <g>
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I have updated post #37 using new/revised information, and it changes
my rankings. It improves the rankings of DataVault and 1Password.

FWIW; I mentioned that I use LastPass. That is MY judgement, for MY
situtation. The "cloud synchronization" feature across multiple devices
is terrific feature ... and an inherent risk. So, do I trust LastPass? Yabbut
... there are a few passwords that I will not entrust to LastPass, or any
password manager/vault. They exist only in my wetware.

Your situation may be different. More trusting? Less trusting? Your choice.

Regardless ... use *long*, mixed case passwords that include digits,
punctuation and symbols. Padding a simple password is MUCH better
that using just the simple password. And for gawd sake, do not use
anything found on this list:

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