Southeast POA lunch this Saturday, 1/23


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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So far the weather looks pretty nice for the Southeast tomorrow, so I'm calling for a PoA lunch gather.

  • Greenville downtown airport, KGMU
  • Runway Café
  • Noonish
@eman1200 , if you have the SE PoA tag list, would you mind replying and tagging?'

****, that was supposed to be 1/23, how do we edit post titles? Don't see it...
So far the weather looks pretty nice for the Southeast tomorrow, so I'm calling for a PoA lunch gather.

  • Greenville downtown airport, KGMU
  • Runway Café
  • Noonish
@eman1200 , if you have the SE PoA tag list, would you mind replying and tagging?'

****, that was supposed to be 1/23, how do we edit post titles? Don't see it...

If I get my plane back today, I'm in.
PS - Saturday is the 23rd.

Yeah, I know, typo, but I can't edit the title, nor can I delete the original post. Fooked I am!
I’m out on this one, fella’s. Can’t do tomorrow. :(

Take a rain check for alternate weekend!
Late notice, I already have other plans.
If I get my plane back today, I'm in.
PS - Saturday is the 23rd.

Same for me unfortunately. The plane is in the shop to get the trim servos fixed. Since we haven't heard back I doubt it will be ready. A real shame as the weather tomorrow is supposed to be great. :(
Love to, but my son is covid positive and I'm in lockdown mode.

I'm actually thinking about going flying and just staying the heck away from anyone else.
My instructor might want to fly tomorrow, won't know until about 6 pm today. If he's unavailable, I will be in!
were you actually there or is that just a testament to my photoshopping skillz?

I still have the hat that I’m holding in my hand as additional proof, but I don’t remember the guy on the end being there. :)
Do we take a roll call tomorrow am?
Looking to see if the winds will die down. 12g19 xwind here and the winds are gusting to 25 at gmu
The maintenance shop finally pulled the pitch trim servo yesterday. :mad: He says it's all buttoned back up and he tested the AP and the roll servos are fine, so you can fly it.

Oh h*ll no! With no pitch trim? Yeah, not happening. No AP, sure I'll do that, but no pitch trim. o_O

Worse, STEC has a backlog, so 3-4 weeks. :( So, I won't be able to make any POA SE fly-ins for a month unless I drive to them. I have two trips planned in the 3 weeks. :(:( Fortunately they are within driving distance. I just prefer flying.

It's been an intermittent issue for a while, so the other two that don't fly as much as I do haven't seen it as much as I have. They were really shocked when they ran into it. We had the avionics shop work on it and it was a bit better for a while. One of the partners had it not work correctly, I think it may have completely failed, while flying with some of it in IMC including rain. :eek: I think that finally got his attention. :rolleyes:
You do realize that airplanes can fly without an autopilot pitch trim, yes? Like 1000's of them do.
You do realize that airplanes can fly without an autopilot pitch trim, yes? Like 1000's of them do.

That servo is the only pitch trim on a Cirrus.

I would happily fly it if there was a manual trim. I've flown one with no AP (out for repair), but the pitch and roll servos were working.

Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
That servo is the only pitch trim on a Cirrus.

I would happily fly it if there was a manual trim. I've flown one with no AP (out for repair), but the pitch and roll servos were working.

Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

I didn't realize they tried to automate/integrate everything.
Darn. I didn't see this and I was actually working in Greenville over the weekend. Come to think of it, I think Saturday I was looking for something to do for lunch while waiting for 2nd shift to start up in the evening.
Darn. I didn't see this and I was actually working in Greenville over the weekend. Come to think of it, I think Saturday I was looking for something to do for lunch while waiting for 2nd shift to start up in the evening.

Seems like you would have been at a table of one. :)