Short headphone plugs


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
I need to replace a couple of my headset plugs, mic and phone.
I am looking for some short, flexible ones - the ones that were on there were too tall and rigid.

The excess height means they get torqued, someone will lean on them or I'll set something heavy on them and that bends the internals or breaks the plug handle itself.
Being inflexible - Radio Shack has, like mine, hard plastic or all metal plugs - means they can't take any abuse.

the one that comes up is all metal,
asking too much to find flexi and shorty?
Sometimes the better choice is to locate the jacks where excess "torque" (i.e. bending force) is unlikely. Examples are orienting them so the plugs are vertical and inserted from below, putting a support "shelf" below and or next to the jacks so the side force gets transferred to that.
Sometimes the better choice is to locate the jacks where excess "torque" (i.e. bending force) is unlikely. Examples are orienting them so the plugs are vertical and inserted from below, putting a support "shelf" below and or next to the jacks so the side force gets transferred to that.

Maybe he'll listen to you, Lance...
You can get 90 degree plugs for the headphones but I think you are SOL on the mike plug.