Russellville, AR Airshow

No admission charge for fly-ins. Activities start at 9:00, aerobatic performances at 13:00 (Arrive before 12:00 due to RC Model Flights). Performing planes include, among others, a P-51 and a Dauntless SBD-5. Drop in.
Looks like a good show B) That same P51 Mustang was up here at the KPTK open house a few weeks ago. Had occasion to talk to the pilot for a few minutes, seems like a great guy. And ohh, what a plane!
The big show is this saturday. Fly-ins please arrive before 12:00. We (the Pilots Assoc) have been busting our rears this week getting final preps made at the airport.
Things went great at the show. We got it finished before the rain got to Russellville. After we all catch our breath and rest up a little, we'll have to consider whether or not to do it again next year. The weather did limit fly ins and the show crew for one of the performance planes was unable to get here. A couple of the show planes are staying here until the weather clears but the show itself went very well.