Rules of Conduct reminder


Apr 8, 2005

Just as a reminder, the PoA RoC prohibit "racist" remarks. In case anyone is unclear about what that means, "racist" is an adjective defined variously as "discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion" (various dictionaries), "any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life" (The United Nations), and "based on prejudices and stereotypes related to race" (Encarta® World English Dictionary [North American Edition] 2005).

Thus, stereotyping or prejudging people on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, or gender is a violation of the PoA RoC on "racist" material, and it is not acceptable to project the views or actions of individuals or small sub-groups on entire religious or national groups.

Thank you,
Ron Levy
PoA Management Council
I have a sincere question regarding this reminder.

I noticed it first popped up in a thread regarding Islam. That's all fine and dandy, but there are a number of threads on this site that are nothing short of outright bigoted re: Scientologists. I'm not a Scientologist, and do not share their beliefs, but I'm curious why it appears to be OK to rag on one religion, while criticizing Islamic beliefs, with far less harsh language unless a post got removed, appears to be off limits or nearly so?
Is the word "indian" prohibited? In context, for example, "The kids were playing cowboys and Indians."
So, as a card-carrying member of the Sons of Norway, I can tell a joke about the Norwegian who was foolish enough to build a $20,000 ice fishing shack on the lake but can't deliver the punch line about the Swede he hired to dig the basement?
gkainz said:
So, as a card-carrying member of the Sons of Norway, I can tell a joke about the Norwegian who was foolish enough to build a $20,000 ice fishing shack on the lake but can't deliver the punch line about the Swede he hired to dig the basement?

And no Viking jokes Greg! :)

A Viking walked into a bar with a parrot under one arm and an penguin......
Anthony said:
And no Viking jokes Greg! :)

A Viking walked into a bar with a parrot under one arm and an penguin......
I thought it was "A Viking walks OUT of the bar...." Hey, it COULD happen!
for some reason I flashed back on my childhood ...

Mom: If you don't quick messing around and shape up, I'm going to knock you silly!
Me: Too late, Mom! (ducking rapidly)

We are so gonna get it when dad gets home and reads this...
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MSmith said:

I am 50% Swedish. :yes: :D :D
And I'm only half Norwegian, anyway, so I guess I can only tell half the joke. The other half is German, and that's not funny, so ... :D
gkainz said:
We are so gonna get it when dad gets home and reads this...

Don't worry. My Tiger is faster than his Tiger.

gkainz said:
So, as a card-carrying member of the Sons of Norway, I can tell a joke about the Norwegian who was foolish enough to build a $20,000 ice fishing shack on the lake but can't deliver the punch line about the Swede he hired to dig the basement?
But being Swedish, I couldn't call such a card carrier a squarehead?
My bad - probably has a lot to do with my Scientologist remarks and the debate about illegal immigrants.

My apologies.
Joe Williams said:
I have a sincere question regarding this reminder.

I noticed it first popped up in a thread regarding Islam. That's all fine and dandy, but there are a number of threads on this site that are nothing short of outright bigoted re: Scientologists. I'm not a Scientologist, and do not share their beliefs, but I'm curious why it appears to be OK to rag on one religion, while criticizing Islamic beliefs, with far less harsh language unless a post got removed, appears to be off limits or nearly so?
The line which triggered this reminder was reported to management via the "bad post" function. Since few if any of the Management Council members read every post in Hangar Talk, we rely on the membership to report posts which they feel violated the RoC. To that extent, unreported violations are trees falling in an unoccupied forest.

To your specific example, if someone were to post a general perjorative statement about Scientologists (e.g., "Scientologists are morons," "Scientologists are intolerant," or "Scientologists are ruining our country"), that would be prejudging or stereotyping folks by their religion, and IMO would fall outside the bounds. If someone were to say something like "I don't buy what Scientology is selling," that's another story completely. And if nobody complains about what someone says about the Scientologists, it's unlikely management will act since it is unlikely management will know about it.

As I told someone off-line, when choosing your words, perhaps the standard should be not to say anything you wouldn't say in a bar about a very large person within earshot who's had enough to lose inhibition but not enough to interfere with the speed, power, or accuracy of his right hook.;)
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Ron Levy said:
As I told someone off-line, when choosing your words, perhaps the standard should be not to say anything you wouldn't say in a bar about a very large person within earshot who's had enough to lose inhibition but not enough to interfere with the speed, power, or accuracy of his right hook.;)
'specially if that guy is a big, blonde Norweigan Viking! :D
Ron Levy said:
As I told someone off-line, when choosing your words, perhaps the standard should be not to say anything you wouldn't say in a bar about a very large person within earshot who's had enough to lose inhibition but not enough to interfere with the speed, power, or accuracy of his right hook.;)

Sweet. I worked as a bouncer - does that mean I can say whatever I want?

Tiger owners are a bunch of....................
Ron Levy said:
As I told someone off-line, when choosing your words, perhaps the standard should be not to say anything you wouldn't say in a bar about a very large person within earshot who's had enough to lose inhibition but not enough to interfere with the speed, power, or accuracy of his right hook.;)

Hear hear! :yes:
Missa said:
You worked as a bouncer?!?!?!?! What army did you have behind you? B) <jk>

Missa :blowingkisses:

You'd be amazed at what sort of clout comes with being a martial arts instructor and how far that goes in controlling a crowd when the bartenders let that bit of info slip to the patrons.
N2212R said:
You'd be amazed at what sort of clout comes with being a martial arts instructor and how far that goes in controlling a crowd when the bartenders let that bit of info slip to the patrons.

Did you ever find that that info also tends to incite the idiots? Provoking some jerk that wants to show off to his friends that he's tougher than the karate kid?

Dan Smith said:
Did you ever find that that info also tends to incite the idiots? Provoking some jerk that wants to show off to his friends that he's tougher than the karate kid?


That would be where the martial arts training comes in.:yes:
Dan Smith said:
Did you ever find that that info also tends to incite the idiots? Provoking some jerk that wants to show off to his friends that he's tougher than the karate kid?

What, like a "Road House" scenario? (Bad 80's movie w/ Patrick Swayze)
N2212R said:
You'd be amazed at what sort of clout comes with being a martial arts instructor and how far that goes in controlling a crowd when the bartenders let that bit of info slip to the patrons.

I knew there had to be some trick! You're tall but not very scary! :eek:

N2212R said:
Sweet. I worked as a bouncer - does that mean I can say whatever I want?
All the martial arts training in the world won't help if the subject is standing behind you and you don't know it. Anyway, "I thought you'd be taller."
Ron Levy said:
All the martial arts training in the world won't help if the subject is standing behind you and you don't know it. Anyway, "I thought you'd be taller."

I learned from my ex brother in law to always do a 360º before saying anything. He could be in Enid, Oklahoma bad mouthing someone he met in Bhutan, turn around and the person he was just disparaging would be 4 feet away.
N2212R said:
I learned from my ex brother in law to always do a 360º before saying anything.

Sounds like Ed's got a new nickname: "Spinner".

N2212R said:
Sweet. I worked as a bouncer - does that mean I can say whatever I want?

Tiger owners are a bunch of....................

Jealous huh? :D
Anthony said:
Jealous huh? :D

I'll let you know when you come to my fly in. Oh that's right, you can't get your plane in and out of there. :rofl: