Renting a Grumman AA5 in Chicago?


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 5, 2010
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Hi there!

I'm new to the forum and hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.

I have always had a thing for the Grumman AA5s. Cheetah and Tiger. I can't seem to find anywhere in the Chicago area that has one available for rental. Does anyone have a lead to where I can find one available to rent?

I appreciate any and all help.

Sorry, but I'm of no help. I haven't heard of one in the Chicago area. (Certainly not Chicago proper, which now encompasses strictly Midway and O'Hare). Cessnas, Diamonds, Pipers, Champs, Beeches, even some performance aircraft, but no Grummans.

Might I ask why you're set on the Grummans?
Thank you for the leads. I will follow up on them and perhaps get lucky.

It's hard to define why they appeal to me so much. I love the styling, have heard fantastic things about the handling and speed and dig the sliding cockpit design. It all just seems to go together so nicely for me into what I look for in a plane. Who knows...actual stick time may change my view, but I would love to give one a shot :thumbsup:
If all you want is to "give one a shot," the AYA GL RD can tell you when and where the next regional weekend lunch fly-in will be (usually once a month or so). If you get there, you can probably find someone who'll give you a ride. The RD may also be able to point you to someone with a Grumman at or near your own airport for such an opportunity on your own.
I live in Wisconsin, and the closest Grummans I know of for rent are in Philadelphia. (Hortman @ KPNE.)