Renters - Keeping your stuff organized?

Brad W

Pattern Altitude
Nov 19, 2019
NE Florida
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Just looking for some different ideas on how other folks who are aircraft renters keep their 'stuff' organized and close.

Watching the video that Martin posted recently about CO detectors.
A side track point that the guy mentioned in the video hit home to me....and that was about having stuff handy and "bolted". Things get tossed around and lost in accidents (or I suppose also in turbulence some too)

It's something I've considered a fair bit...but I generally just toss my flight bag on the back seat. It's within reach normally but certainly not 'bolted down'.

There are so many little things that I'd imagine an aircraft owner gets sorted out out and they keep stowed in side pockets and such in the aircraft, fixed to the panel, etc.... that we can't so well as renters.

Also, it occurs to me that my flight bag could potentially spill it's contents. A long time ago I simplified and got away from a much larger bag with zippered pockets and such. Went with something like this
and I like it a lot.

Anyway, I'm not meaning so much what sort of bag you use.... more about wondering if you've found any unusual ideas for keeping it close... hanging it from the seat back, or some such thing?

I have a headset and a iPad with a pad of paper and pen attached to it.
Yeah right.... things are a bit simpler now for sure.... and I typically won't have all that much stuff in my bag these days either.... foggles, I still have my old suction cup bar soap holder to cover failed or simulated failed instruments, spare glasses, spare pencil/pens, etc......most of that stuff doesn't much matter in this context...but I'd still want to keep it within reach ideally.

In the video...and to the spirit of the thought bringing this to mind...there was discussion about having safely devices handy so they can be reached. He was temporarily unable to get out of his seat, pinned in place. Things like flashlight, handheld radio, PLB, cell phone....
My stuff:
Paper with pen

I don't have any bag or fancy Sporty's deluxe $199 kit. I see people with crazy bags flying with all this stuff:
-gats jar
-5 different checklists
-redundant POH
-folders with study materials
-First Aid kit
-VHF handheld
-AA batteries
-AAA batteries
-charging cables
-etc.. enough that you probably have to add 50 pounds to your weight and balance

**individually all these things are valid things to own for any aviator, but do you really need to bring all that for a half hour pattern flight or the $100 hamburger run? it's one thing if you're doing a very long cross-country, or plan to fly at night, or won't be home for a few days, but people should be selective with what they bring to the airport. Your 10am day vfr flight over populated areas to an airport 51 miles away for a burger doesn't need any of this stuff

So, to answer this question:
Anyway, I'm not meaning so much what sort of bag you use.... more about wondering if you've found any unusual ideas for keeping it close... hanging it from the seat back, or some such thing?
I grab what I need for the given trip or flight and leave the rest at home. iPad goes on knee, or pocket, same with pen and paper. That's about it. for longer trips or where I have to bring more stuff I only take up to the very front of the plane within arm's reach the stuff I'll actually need the rest get secured in the luggage bin
I use an Eddie Bauer day pack. Lots of zippered pockets and compartments.

I don't rent, but I share things between two airplanes. And I don't like leaving loose, expensive things like the portable radio in the airplane at "away airports" any more. Things are getting less secure.

The pack keeps everything organized, in one place, and just one thing to grab and take with me.