Red Barn (x3) store hours


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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I wrote to find out the Barn's store hours, since they don't appear to be listed on the EAA site's pages. They replied with this (I was surprised to learn there are two other locations on field, other than the main barn south of the main gate). In any case, thought I'd share the hours / location info.

In regards to your question, we have a few different Red Barn’s with stores in them; Ultralight’s HQ, one is VAA HQ and Gift Store, and another one is by South Maintenance and particularly has items for campers. Here are the times for the VAA, they are the only ones that have been confirmed with us thus far. The other two aere last year’s hours of operation. Once the rest of the areas hours are confirmed, they will be published in the camping guide.

VAA Red Barn Store is open:
Sat. and Sun. preconvention weekend. 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Saturday of convention 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 31, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Barn Camp store:
7/21-7/22; 7am-7pm
7/23-7/24; 7am-9pm
7/25-7/28; 6am-10pm
7/29-7/30; 6am-10pm
7/31; 6am-4pm

Ultralight’s HQ:
7/23; Noon-5pm
7/24-7/29; 6am-7pm
7/30-7/31; 5:30am-7pm
The Red Barn is an adult store here in Grand Rapids. Be careful what you Google.
I learned the hard way. Somebody said "the 180 club bus to Wendt's (the perch joint on the lake) leaves from the red barn at 1800 LCL." Nobody bothered to say which red barn.
I wrote to find out the Barn's store hours, since they don't appear to be listed on the EAA site's pages. They replied with this (I was surprised to learn there are two other locations on field, other than the main barn south of the main gate). In any case, thought I'd share the hours / location info.