Question for KDTO or KTKI


Pattern Altitude
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Oct 12, 2013
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Are you allowed to fly in or out to the airport without talking to ATC as long as you stay below Class B air space? If so, can you guess how many pilots do this? I have no reason for asking this, just curious.
Yes. I did my primary training at TKI and never talked to ATC. I am currently based at DTO and don't talk to ATC unless I need FF or entry into the Bravo. I have no idea how many pilots do this, however there is a heavy student presence at both airports and I would guess they arent all talking to ATC.
Are you allowed to fly in or out to the airport without talking to ATC as long as you stay below Class B air space? If so, can you guess how many pilots do this? I have no reason for asking this, just curious.
They both have Towers so yeah, ya gotta talk with ATC. Obviously you meant talking to Approach. No, you don't, if you stay outta the Bravo. I ain't got a clue how many do or don't do it
You don't have to talk to regional approach when operating from or between those locations, as long as you remain VFR and clear of the Bravo space.

HOWEVER, for new pilots lurking/monitoring this thread; since it's super simple to obtain Flight Following from the DTO and TKI, it's highly recommended that you do so. There is lots and lots of traffic (both GA and Commercial) in these two sectors. Having another set of eyes helping you is worth any perceived hassle. And the controllers working those two sectors are super friendly.

And I'll echo John's information about heavy student pilot presence at both airports. Especially DTO where many are Asian students who can be difficult to understand on the waydeeoh
+1 on @AggieMike88

You can, but don't. You can buzz across at 3000' and stay North of 380 and get between the two just fine, but why?

Them thar students @JCranford refers to are funny bunch that love to go to Cleburne (KCPT) without talking to anybody in that pesky English they are required to have a mastery of.

Don't get me wrong, KTKI and KDTO are fine airports.

So... how is the runway work going out there? Might be time for another lunch in Tyler, but I want the full 7800' next time. (so I can do 5 touch-n-go's per pass)
+1 on @AggieMike88

You can, but don't. You can buzz across at 3000' and stay North of 380 and get between the two just fine, but why?

Them thar students @JCranford refers to are funny bunch that love to go to Cleburne (KCPT) without talking to anybody in that pesky English they are required to have a mastery of.

Don't get me wrong, KTKI and KDTO are fine airports.

So... how is the runway work going out there? Might be time for another lunch in Tyler, but I want the full 7800' next time. (so I can do 5 touch-n-go's per pass)
The big runway is still closed. They received government money to fund this project which requires them to rest 3 hours for every 1 hour they work. They should be done in a few years!!!!
@Ravioli --- Next time you see Zack Roland, one of the DTO tower gang, ask him to tell the story about the Chinese student pilot who declared an emergency due to an issue with his C150 windscreen. very funny.
It's a good idea to keep a good lookout at both airports because of student pilots...

I was leaving TKI one sunny day a couple of years ago, was cleared for takeoff and about to turn onto Runway 18 when the tower rescinded my clearance and told me to sit tight.

I looked up the runway and there was an airplane landing on 36, about to touch down. No radio call. He did a touch and go, and as he flew past me it made more was an American Flyers 172. :D