Prostate Cancer and First Class Medical


Future jet jockey

Prostate Cancer has a history in my family. My paternal grandfather had it and my dad also had it. Both had surgery to remove and have been fine since thankfully. I have aspirations to become an airline pilot and also realize that you’re one medical away from being unemployed. In the unfortunate circumstances that I follow in my family’s footsteps and develop the disease later in life, is my career as an airline or professional pilot over?
Community Urologic practice is to start scanning yu when a lump is discovered (bendover, please) or the PSA reaches 4.0
If you're on Finsateride, they start looking when the PSA reaches 2.0.

If yours is caught early and you have evidence that there is no spread, the AME can reivew the evidence and issue you in the office.

Even if it "gets out" of the barn it can be certified so long as it's not in the spine, where an unannounced bleed could be incapacitating....