Pretty Colored Maps Sig


Ejection Handle Pulled
Jul 8, 2008
Grass Valley, CA (KGOO)
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I've just spent and exciting three hours searching the faq on this site and googling more than a person should be allowed. I canNOT find the site/program that you all use to make those pretty colored maps "where I've landed" in your sig.

A url or a program name sure would be appreciated. I can find dozens of them that color the states red or purple, but none of the multicolored maps.

Jim :dunno:
I knew I'd seen a thread on this recently! Your answer can be found here: [thread]22055[/thread]
Thanks, Grant.

My wife used to teach gliders out of Clow when she lived in Chicago. I'm sure she would appreciate hearing from you as to how the airport and the old gang are doing.


Well, the sig block took but the map file did not. Perhaps if I RTFM to note that the map file can be EITHER 19.5k OR 500x100 (whichever is SMALLER) that might make a difference. Let's see if it did.
One last try and then I give up. Used the recommended map generator with a max height of 100 pixels, checked it in Paintshop for height and size and it was good. If it doesn't take on this message, I need a little more understanding of what I am doing wrong.
One last try and then I give up. Used the recommended map generator with a max height of 100 pixels, checked it in Paintshop for height and size and it was good. If it doesn't take on this message, I need a little more understanding of what I am doing wrong.

FYI: You don't need to post a new message to see if your signature is working. It automatically attaches to your previously posted messages. :)
FYI: You don't need to post a new message to see if your signature is working. It automatically attaches to your previously posted messages. :)

It doesn't seem to. Note the three messages at the top of this thread. These are all from me and my sig block didn't attach to any of them.

I think what Chris is trying to say is your signature block will update when you make a valid change to it whether you make a new post or not.

Try making sure your image is BOTH smaller than 19.5kb and less the 500 x 100 pixels and that it is a jpeg or gif format image file. And that you clicked on the "Upload" button. If it works it should appear in the signature setup page, you don't have to go look at or make new post. If the image doesn't appear in the signature edit window you have an invalid image file or invalid path to it.

The offer still stands if you want some online help getting it to work.

[Request to forum moderator - This thread should be moved to the Tech Support or Site Feedback and Support forum. Thanks]
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FYI: You don't need to post a new message to see if your signature is working. It automatically attaches to your previously posted messages. :)

It doesn't seem to. Note the three messages at the top of this thread. These are all from me and my sig block didn't attach to any of them.


first post should have ended with "... when it's working"
It doesn't seem to. Note the three messages at the top of this thread. These are all from me and my sig block didn't attach to any of them.


Once you have a signature activated "Use Signature", then your sig updates retroactively to whatever your current signature is. In your first few posts, you didn't have ANY signature. Now that you do, any changes you make to your signature will be changed in those posts as well.

At least that's how I *think* it works. I have been wrong before.... but only once. ;)
Once you have a signature activated "Use Signature", then your sig updates retroactively to whatever your current signature is. In your first few posts, you didn't have ANY signature. Now that you do, any changes you make to your signature will be changed in those posts as well.

At least that's how I *think* it works. I have been wrong before.... but only once. ;)

Ok, if you don't see the little "insert picture into signature" clicklink next to the image, then it won't insert. Click, insert, voila...