PoA, why the f*** are you insisting that I be unhealthy...

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I’m going to need a bigger tub of popcorn for this one..
Up yours!
You're right! I do feel better

So its good to flip the bird? It didn't really say.
Howcome no one insults me? I find that insulting.
You're s'posed to f@$%ing swear at him . . . . . Didntcha read the d@$n article???
F off and die scum bag. He wanted insults so I gave him insults.
Verily I say unto thee, proceed to fornicating hades!



Hey, you're right! I feel better al-frucking-ready!
Howcome no one insults me? I find that insulting.

If you're the only one on PoA that hasn't been insulted you should sue on the grounds of discrimination. :p
I would answer if you had asked "how the @#$% did you do that, @#$%er?"

Arghh, you pointy headed mother ****er, I don't want to know now *******. Teach me to be a ***** ass nice guy.
While this thread was tongue in cheek humor with an article to share, per the RoC intentionally bypassing the obscenity filter is a violation. The point of the obscenity filter is that we want to keep PoA family friendly.

Remember we aren't allowed to curse when talking on the radio to ATC or the like. Let's keep that in mind here.
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