PoA and websense

This morning, I noticed that a couple of threads were dinged by our benevolent websense filter for being in the "weapons" category:




A former employer used websense. I remember trying to buy RF cable adapters from a legitimate website. Websense blocked it for sexual content; apparently it didn't like the term "gender changer." Solution: carry laptop to the bar across the street and use their wifi to complete the transaction. Sigh, indeed.
I had Websenseless block AVG when I was trying to update my anti-virus a bunch of years ago. I asked the helplessdesk to unblock it. Their response was, "we block sites like that so you won't infect our network with viruses." Really! They actually said that.

When I explained that this was for anti-virus updates, they didn't budge. My workaround was using their FTP site. Seems Websenseless didn't know about FTP.
websense blocked almost all the Oracle sites I hit at a prior client - labeled as "social media" or similar...