

Line Up and Wait
Apr 14, 2005
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Goofiest thing....the hubby has the middle of summer. :dunno: Wasn't sick, woke up one day feeling a little tired, next day felt like maybe a cold was coming on, three days later at the doctor getting diagnosed with pneumonia. How the heck did that happen??? He's not in the hospital, just hanging real low at home, so that's a good thing.

I just got back from doing the farm chores alone. We need rain, but at the moment I'm a little glad we're dry. Makes the chores easier.

Okay, now for the selfish question....what's the possibilities of me getting sick from hanging out with a sick husband. I've got a couple of flights coming up this week plus a hellatious 2 weeks of work ahead of me. Any ideas?

I'm just over a bout of pneumonia myself. A shot and 2 weeks of antibiotics. It started like the flu and when the cough set in, I ended up at a medical professional.

I attributed it to traveling on commercial airliners while being very tired. Mine started 48 hours or so after a 5:45 AM flight, I had a flight 60-ish hours before that one. Otherwise, I can't point to anything out of the ordinary.

Chances are that you won't get it if you keep rested and take regular precautionary measures. BUt there are no guarantees, depending on the specific type of pneumonia. Doc can tell you more.
I got it one summer as well. Took the docs over a month to diagnose it as I never got a cough. I was very tired, napping in the afternoons. Would wake up in the morning feeling great - around noon my temp would start rising and by evening would be 102+. Got every test going - mono, etc., but no one could diagnose it. They started telling me it was all in my head.

After a month I started doing my own investigation (note this was pre-internet) and went to the doctor and said I think I have pneumonia. He said he didn't believe I did as I had no cough but we'd checked everything else so what the hell. X-ray showed up a silver dollar sized patch. Three days on antibiotics and I was back at work feeling great.

My wife never came down with it.
I guess I always thought you were sick with something else.....cold, flu, etc.......and sometimes it went on into pneumonia. You didn't "catch" it.

And now I'm beginning to feel like crap......maybe it's just because I'm at work.
Hope you feel better Kaye. I had pneumonia during the summer back in 2005. Lets say I would rather have it during the winter.
And now I'm beginning to feel like crap......maybe it's just because I'm at work.

Hope you feel better. Best thing that you can do to prevent is get rest and eat well..... you'll know pretty quickly if it's developing into pneumonia, less than 48 hours.
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