Pilots Sharing Sight Seeing Landmark Maps


Cleared for Takeoff
May 30, 2011
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Hi all,

I have a friend that used to fly air tours over Memphis. Using his notes as a starter, I just spent a few minutes mapping out a little tour route on my Ipad, to have a few short sightseeing missions in my pocket for first time friend rides.

I had some fun doing it. I wish I knew a few more of the local sights. Then I thought, wouldn't it be great if pilots from different cities shared their favorite, easy access sight seeing landmarks.

So, I watched this video -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYKEur7_88g

And now I can see a lot of potential. If a bunch of us spends a little time setting up custom maps of our favorite sites, and shared them, visiting pilots would have an easy time doing their own sightseeing.

Thoughts anyone? In as much as I'm probably several centuries behind leading edge on this, feel free to let me know what the advanced vision is.
Nice idea. Could be very useful, have a central repository for this kind of stuff.
Sounds like a good value add for CloudAhoy. Allow folks to mark a flight as special in some way and add a description... have a few QA folks weed out any bad or silly ones.