Pilot dies in flight. Why is this news?

If it bleeds, it leads! They can lead with "Pilot dies in flight", then suck all the eyeballs to their station/site, and then tell them it's no big deal.
A pilot takes off from CCR, has engine trouble, turns around and JUST doesn't make the runway, walks away and it's top billing on SF news.
A student pilot takes off from PAO, has engine trouble, lands on a levee road, walks away, it leads. Then they have to go into detail about the fact that the student recently purchased the plane, blah, blah, blah...
Idiots on the road, deadly accidents as a result, buried news if it's reported at all.
Reminds me of a skit on Saturday night live, where they were poking fun at the "Miracle on the Hudson" landing. In the skit, there was another "pilot" being interviewed. He said "I left 20 minutes later, missed all of the geese and landed in Charlotte 10 minutes early.... why is he a hero"? :)
Reminds me of a skit on Saturday night live, where they were poking fun at the "Miracle on the Hudson" landing. In the skit, there was another "pilot" being interviewed. He said "I left 20 minutes later, missed all of the geese and landed in Charlotte 10 minutes early.... why is he a hero"? :)
