Pancakes on your face

How can you a) watch YouTube at work and b) watch (and listen) to YouTube while you're on a conference call?

You gotta TRUST that mute button!
No sound from the computer I am watching youtube on. I was on a conference call once where I forgot to mute and decided to pick up the banjo and strum a little, OOPPS!

On another call from home I was off mute as I was talking. I paused while another person was trying to make some point that he was not getting the things he needed into joint contribution we were writing. That is when one of my cats decided to talk into the phone. It sounded like someone said 'waw' sorta like a baby crying. Everyone on the phone cracked up.
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I was on a concall a few years ago, just after Bluetooth headsets became big, when someone on the line decided it was a good time to use the restroom.

Not only was it gross, and funny, but I will forever know the sound of my boss going "I know the numbers suck, but that's no reason to s**t on the phone"


How can you a) watch YouTube at work and b) watch (and listen) to YouTube while you're on a conference call?

You gotta TRUST that mute button!
How does Scott know they aren't muting his line on the call? :)
I'm impressed. That takes some serious patience to shoot and edit that. And I have to wonder what amount of drugs...:) :dunno:
Which online control panel are you all using? We use WebEx here at my company, but I've used Raindance in the past too.
Sorry to take it off topic - the vid was really cool and very well done.
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Which online control panel are you all using? We use WebEx here at my company, but I've used Raindance in the past too.

We have an internal system that *cough* has had it's problems.

The cool thing is it can call you, and the call leader knows you're on and speaking or muted (system-wise). I suspect Scott has the same, although since ours is branded I have no idea who makes it.
I like the first one. Not gonna watch the second. I appreciate the disclaimer, though; I'm still recovering from that photo of the baby spiders a while back.

It's OK. It's just the song. Watch with the sound turned down.