Online Scheduling

The school I taught at uses flightschedulepro, and it made a huge difference in the effective rentals. It allowed for each aircraft to be flown more hrs, and for the CFI's to better schedule themselves as well.
I wish I could sell our owner on that feature.
Most of the online schedulers have those features, but I found FlightSchedule Pro to have the worst user interface of the bunch, at least within the context of the one FBO where I tried to use it. I couldn't find a way to even find out when my own reservations were, and names weren't shown on the reservations so you couldn't tell who had things reserved when, just whether or not they were reserved. Very klunky.

Kent, we use Flight Schedule Pro at Spring City Aviation, and once I log in the first page includes details of each of my pending flights, including buttons to modify, delete, or create an Outlook calendar appointment. I find it pretty user friendly.

If you can tell me how to get a screen shot, I'd be happy to post that. I've been struggling trying to get that to work.
If you can tell me how to get a screen shot, I'd be happy to post that. I've been struggling trying to get that to work.
Alt-PrintScreen will put it in the clipboard. Then open up any graphics program, even MS Paint, and paste it in and save it as a file.